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Series B Durum Acceptance

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    Series B Durum Acceptance

    I guess it's true what they say in the PR business; send out the bad news late on a Friday and nobody will notice.

    The CWB announced the acceptance level for Series B durum late yesterday. I had thought it would be under 50%. Unfortunately, I was right. It's 20%.

    I guess Ward Wiesensel's latest Durum Marketing Report, full of excuses why they can't sell durum, was the setup for the lousy acceptance.


    Dah, am I the only farmer in western Canada that is totally fed up with the CWB. This group couldn't sell a used car to a blind deaf mute, let alone move our product.
    Its time to vote and get rid of them once and for all.
    Most farmers made money on Canola, oats lentils etc. but our group of geniuses in Winter-peg got bonuses for doing sweet fruck all.
    Come On Harper close this useless organization down. We want out. I bet the vote would be close to 75% want out.


      If more Sask and Manitoba farmers would actually have voted like men instead of scared little rabbits, this problem would have been over years ago.

      They are too scared of the big, bad publicly traded companies they can't see that this government run company is worse.


        You would think durum could be treated like peas and lentils. It is a specialty crop. Contract it now at a reasonable price like companies are doing with lentils.

        Total acceptance on the durum crop is 60% and no one in government or the cwb understands that 25% is the 2008 crop. This means the cwb will sell 35% of the 2009 durum crop. And at a price substantially lower than the first 09 PRO back in feb 09.

        It is too bad the government doesn't take that into account when they start talking about losses in margin on the programs they develop.

        Considering the government has no balls to get rid of this disfunctional organization, what can a farmer do?

        Three quaters of the way through the crop year and no adjustment payments. Pretty dismal outlook.


          Total acceptance on the durum crop is only 52%.
          20% of 60 remaining 40% of the A series.


            20% of 60 remaining plus 40% called on the A series.


              How many of you intend to sow a whack more of durum that you hope will top grade come harvest? Reread your knowledge of acceptance for the last two years, and project forward to the 2010-2011 outcome. What's your reasoning? a) you have lots of storage. b) ethanol plant loves top quality durum. c)livestock fattens well on pasta, just like humans!

              We know the government will never legislate change, and we know the CWB will never give us the option to do it ourselves. The logical solution is not to grow more, and then expect the CWB will market it. They are not capable, they are not capable (worth repeating) of doing anything to solve this situation.


                The 52% accepted is equal to the 10 year average. There was a huge crop with some carryover from the previous year, what did you expect?


                  The big crime was the CWB not selling all of the durum in the 08-09 crop year. We were the only farmers in the world that did not clean out our durum bins.


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