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Earth Day!

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    Earth Day!

    Well my oldest had to do a project for school on Earth Day. He took pop bottles and made them into outdoor patio lanterns. And coffee cans into a bathroom toilet paper holder. Hey were in the City. But wouldn't today be a day CBC or CTV or STV should be out in field telling our City friends, tongue in cheek how Direct seeding we are the true pioneers of Earth day. Saving the Soil one field at a time. No they will go to a school and probably use a project like my sons. PR related farmers never win.
    Happy earth day all you direct seeders we know the truth.

    Earth Day: I culivated a strip on the edge of my garden three or four times extra so that the tractor used more oil and so the soil was powdery fine. Nice little extra gift for my neighbor.I do her greenhouse chores for her this weekend when she is away so I can enjoy my soil in my nose.

    Earth Day is such bullshit, yes bullshit, as most farmers have made do and learned to conserve all their lives compared to the elitists flying their jets across the world preaching what they don't practice.

    So I'll enjoy my own private 2-day rebellion. I'll put the oil containers in the burn barrel Day2tommorow and roast a pepperoni. Pars


      S3, you actually raise an interesting observation in
      that many feel sooo connected and get that warm
      and fuzzy feeling by symbolically using coffee tins
      for toilet paper rollers and calling that gesture a
      contribution to saving the earth. By all means,
      direct seeding has become a major contributing
      factor to saving our soils and our heritage for the
      future. But I think the real purpose of this 'Earth
      Day' initiative should be to shame those who abuse
      what nature and the earth gives them just because
      they are either too lazy or stupid to want to do
      better. We should all ask ourselves if there are
      better and cheaper ways of using manufactured
      resources and still maintain our lifestyles without
      having to sacrifice ANYTHING. The fact is there is a
      lot of waste going on without even understanding
      it. A case in point - i am proud of my 60 dollar
      monthly power bills and yet I am never in the dark.
      My neighbours across the street whine about their
      over 200 dollar bill every month and wonder why.
      Well, maybe because when they all hover around
      the tv in the basement, they still leave every light in
      the house on. Half the time, the garage lights are
      on 24/7 and the outside lights are left on almost
      every day! Duh? I had a neighbour complain about
      his heating bills in the winter. Well, I suggested
      that when he took his tractor out of the heated
      shop to feed his cattle when it was 35 below, he
      might consider closing the overhead door as he left
      for 2 and 1/2 hrs. Instead I got an earful about how
      natural gas came from under our feet and should
      be cheap, and never mind all those damn taxes
      screwing us, and time is money, why it would cost
      gazillions to stop and jump out to close that door.
      So, point being, it's all in the head. Look at earth
      day as an opportunity to save some serious coin,
      glad you're doing what you're doing S3.


        Good points Rockpile. My petpeeve is people complaining about gas prices while their vehicle sit idling at the post office, in the drivethru or in front of the store or wherever.Shut the damn thing off.


          Earth Day: Drink a two four and watch the hockey game with friends(on the bigscreen). Recycle the empties to save the planet.


            Hey Parsley, for once we agree on something! lol

            I agree, it's bullshit.
            Farm raised folks have been doing their part not to waste and pollute since the beginning of time. It's called common sense. You know, earth-shaking stuff like re-using plastic grocery bags for 101 different things, using a clothesline to dry your clothes and even emptying the lint collector on the old dryer when you think of it....

            Then you watch the "experts" on tv telling us how to use less gas in our cars by observing the speed limit and keeping your tires properly inflated!!!!????


              I am pleased with your progress Jay. We have also agreed on the folly of the single desk, have we not? And I think you would agree that Ritz' political action has been frozen by some unknown dentist who hates free marketing.

              You do have to work on your left wing GM tendencies though, in order to be consistent with some of the rest of your philosophy.

              You see, I think you would approve of permanently modifying MY very tendency to be skeptical! And my wariness of unintended consequences!

              By permaently altering one of my genes, and all skeptics' genes, you and your wild cards would then have a free-hand as ulimate central planners! You could re-design the world we live in. Frangene and a Fredgene all of us into genetic bankruptcy,perhaps?

              But you are yet a pup, so the consistency of thought has yet to fill your mind in a moment of reasoned reverie ..perhaps when you listn to Glenn Beck or perhaps Gaga? LOLOLOL Pars


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