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Dear CWB, Take me to Jail!

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    Dear CWB, Take me to Jail!

    2009 is the last crop I will sell with the CWB help. They over the years have cost our farm Millions in lost sales. They offer disappointment even when the worlds farmers received benefit's. for years we sell a superior product and get paid world price for feed wheat. So as the 2010 crop goes into the ground do we as farmers have the guts to just take back our crop its ours sorry its not some BS organization in Winter-peg its ours. We are responsible for it from seeding to market then they take over and pay us scraps. I have for over 40 years not seen once how the CWB ever achieved my farm a decent return. They take and take and take. Now you deliver one bushel over your contract they fine you and the elevator company. Its not just on Durum is HRS as well. Hm today in Rugby I would get $5.28 a bushel for the same shit I am dumping in the pit for $3.00. I am sick and tired of all the BS the CWB releases and their never ever is a profit in it for farmers. So Maybe we will all grow a set of balls and end this organization once and for all.
    CWB its time to stick a fork in you, Your done.
    Lets get a vote 6 weeks to advertise one question YEA OR NEAY and then Let it die.
    Christ were seeding almost half the farm to oilseed or pulse and 1/3 cereal is a lost leader pulling down the other cereals.
    So maybe a winter in Jail is better than Hawaii.

    With this nonsense of liquidated damages, it indicates the board is out of money. They gave this crop away. They are coming after the farmer to make good on their mistakes. Remember the fiasco on "discretionary trading". We as farmers are going to pay for that for a very long time.

    And our conservative government who said we "deserved better" is not going to touch the cwb file because they would rather pony up 600 million to bail out Greece. Why? Because there is votes in Ontario for doing so.

    Meanwhile they take the farmers vote for granted. They are probably changing the formula for farm support payments as we speak so they do not have to cover the margin losses on the cwb disasterous returns to farmers.

    If the government gave a shit about the cwb and its impact, Anderson and Ritz should have been asking months ago, why their is no adjustment payment. They maybe should have been asking why there is such a wide spread on their initial PROs and the final payment for durum for the 09/10 crop.

    Since the cwb claims to be a great marketer of my grain, it seems that a 3 dollar drop in the course of 6months and a 35% acceptance on 09 crop (60% minus the 25% from the 08 crop) does not sound like marketing to me.

    Thats right - 35% of the 09 durum crop is going to be marketed by the cwb. Any salesman with a 35% record would be gone.


      OKAY, So lets throw out the CWB, the system as we know it today. THEN WHAT? Open market fer all I guess, just like the oat and forage market. Now we'll be at the mercy of the multinationals and railroadies. Yeah things'll be way way better, nobody butt the CWB wood ever try to take advantage of farmers. Tanks, butt no tanks fer showin us a new way, another wrong way, butt a new way.... I say remember the crow, when it went away, things really, really, really got better out on the farm!!!


        Open Marketing won't help us anymore than what we have now with the CWB. Look at all the Canola processors between Altona and Saskatoon....atleast 8 I think, and even with 2 new boys on the block in Yorkton, Canola is no screaming hell. Once Viagra, Cargill and ADM etc have their way,........ is it a case of the devil you know, or the devil you don't?


          Can't believe what I am reading burbert and dog. What are farmers seeding? Get real. People are forcing half their farms into canola and the other half to pulses. All open market big bad multinational run commodities. Please explain to me what I am missing? And BTW Burbert I think you are smart enough to come up with a new argument aren't you?


            Level the playing field and let the chips fall where they


              I agree there are problems, but every man for himself seems to suit the multinationals way to much. We complain about having to deal with monopolies when buying anything, and then want to throw away our own. Our grandfathers started the Pool and UGG because of being shafted by these same companies. There are huge problems with our current system, but throwing away may not solve much. Maybe we need to try and fix it from within. If as much effort went into positive posts for worth while change as do into rants about how some seem to think the multinationals want to fix our system for the farmers benifit,then we may gain some ground. The CWB may not be fixable,but once it`s gone we will not ever get another marketing agency that we have any say in started. Take a long look at pork and beef markets today!! Somehow we need to reinvent a system where people realize where their food comes from,and the people who produce it deserve to make a living. Politicianns and board of directors only worry about votes and dollars and apparently we don`t supply enough of either. JMO


                By the way I`m 50% lentils 20% feed and 30% wheat and duram.


                  Fixing from within? I suppose if spring wheat and malt barley and durum acres fall enough we can dream up a premium. 8 canola processors between altona and saskatoon and do you think that is bad? About the 8 I am just taking your word for it, gotta get back to work.


                    " because of being shafted by these same companies."

                    You have got to be bloody kidding!


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