The solution is REALY simple:
The CWB goes back to operations as they were before 1993, growers of their own produce exempt from the CWB Act and 'monopoly'.
How soon we forget that in the 1980's the CWB had none of the 'buyback' woes they perpitrate on 'designated area' growers today.
Thia whole thing is a farce. Seed growers can export the seeds that create the grain the CWB claims is so different than other global quality... and are GIVEN no-cost export licenses by the CWB themselves.
The first requirement for the CWB to actually control their 'monopoly'... if it were actually possible... would be to control the seed supply. The CWB does not.
This whole stupid affair is simply a farce... The CWB is like a soother laced with viagra... some enjoy it, and can not get out of the habit of screwing their neighbour.
I for one am totally disgusted with this 'culture' of abuse.
The solution is REALY simple:
The CWB goes back to operations as they were before 1993, growers of their own produce exempt from the CWB Act and 'monopoly'.
How soon we forget that in the 1980's the CWB had none of the 'buyback' woes they perpitrate on 'designated area' growers today.
Thia whole thing is a farce. Seed growers can export the seeds that create the grain the CWB claims is so different than other global quality... and are GIVEN no-cost export licenses by the CWB themselves.
The first requirement for the CWB to actually control their 'monopoly'... if it were actually possible... would be to control the seed supply. The CWB does not.
This whole stupid affair is simply a farce... The CWB is like a soother laced with viagra... some enjoy it, and can not get out of the habit of screwing their neighbour.
I for one am totally disgusted with this 'culture' of abuse.