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Stat Can #s, canola @ 16.9

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    Stat Can #s, canola @ 16.9


    No surprises/limited market reaction.

    Durum acres down 40 % with spring wheat and lentils both up to take up the slack. Suspect more acreage shifting as we move forward.


      charliep, did you get lentil numbers? The report I saw didn't have them included.


        Only Saskatchewan numbers. Lentil intention of 2.74 million acres versus 2.36 million last year.


          Whoops. Alberta has lentil numbers as well. 135,000 acres versus 45,000 in 2009.


            The full survey is available at:

            [URL="http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/22-002-x/22-002-x2010002-eng.pdf"]seeding intentions[/URL]


              thanks charliep, I was thinking there'd be a larger increase in lentils acres, locally we'd be higher than the 16% provincally.

              Can you state what types of field beans fall into the "Dry Coloured Bean" catagory?


                I can't find an official statistics Canada definiton. This is the pulse Canada breakdown.

                Canada's largest bean crop is white pea bean (navy bean). Canada also grows significant quantities of pinto, cranberry, blackm dark red kidney, light red kidney, great northern, dutch brown, pink and small red. Small quantities of Azuki, Kintoki and Otebo beans are grown under contract.

                Manitoba classes (only western Canadian estimate in the seeding survey) are:

                Manitoba White pea, pinto, black, dark red kidney, great northern, cranberry


                  Where is 17 mill ac of canola coming from? From what I hear canola sales are not up at all. Invigour is still selling as are most other companies. No sold out slogans anywhere? Just currious?


                    Viagra out of top two liberty varieties but have lots of 5020 5030 9520 i think.


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