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Flax Council and RR Flax development

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    What you miss, imho, charliep, is that today's science generally lacks integrity. It lacks self-discipline and it lacks regulatory discipline.

    Trust has become an issue with those who practice science as well as those who are accorded the effects of it.

    Recalls. Information buried. Untruths. Lack of full disclosure. Class actions. Lack of decency.

    Throughout the world, Governments and Industry partners together. Mistakes can compound.

    Today's Science too often tells a funder what they want to hear. It often releases only the data the funder needs to further more funding.

    Science, too much, has become an icon of smart people catering to rich people, instead of being just science.

    The stakes are so high when it comes to food.

    Corporations change their names on a moment's notice according to contingency plans put in place three years earlier. I researched too much to be blinded by dazzle and too little to understand the dazzle.

    Shirking responsibility has become so sophisticated, you can describe it as a game; designer stealth.

    If I said many scientists/politicians/corporate leaders are good people, I would be right, but I would also be wrong.

    Should Good people close their eyes to wrongdoing such as science now fosters?

    There are many people in positions of power who simply do not care about you or your family or about anyone. Period.

    You will think I am dug into a position just to be difficult. (Hey, I embraced UFC!) But I gave it a lot of thought.

    And I don't like what is happening to food. Pars


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