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Wheat School: What is CIGI? - Discussion with Earl Geddes

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    Maybe he just recognizes a teat when he sees one. lol Which reminds me of CIGI.

    As you know, the Ontario Wheat Producers’ Marketing Board (OWPMB) amalgamated with the Ontario Corn Producers’ Association and the Ontario Soybean Growers to create Grain Farmers of Ontario.

    Is there money flowing from CIGI to OWPMB and the Grain Farmers of Ontario?

    Is Ontario activley competing for CWB markets?

    Well, let's read what they post:

    _____"Ontario is currently the only wheat growing region in North America with increasing wheat acreage; other wheat growing regions are either experiencing declining acreage or stagnation. This is a fact that Ontario producers can pride themselves in: we like growing wheat and we’re good at it!"_____

    So much for Wheat Board marketing!!!! Read on:

    _____"Ontario wheat producers have worked hard over the last ten years to develop varieties of wheat to meet local bakery needs. Studies done over the last three years at the Canadian International Grains Institute have supported that many Ontario HRS and HRW varieties are direct substitutes for western hard red spring and others will suit bakery applications with minimal equipment and technique adjustment."_____

    Looks like the domestic market is heading for the toilet for the CWB, doesn't it?And CWB money is helping Ontario to replace CWB domestic and export markets. CWB funds CIGI and CIGI promotes Ontario grain. "Nah", you say. "Ontario wouldn't do that". Uh huh. I added the following quote so you can read what Ontario's goals are. Read on:

    _______"The Ontario Wheat Innovation Support Fund
    Under the new Innovation Support Fund, funding is available to companies for developing new and re-formulated Ontario wheat-based products which have the potential to expand the market for Ontario wheat.

    The Fund will also provide financial support and expertise in the areas of product analysis, pilot scale trials and packaging techniques. Projects which satisfy the eligibility criteria established for this Fund can expect to receive up to 75 percent of the cost of the project, to a maximum of $25,000.

    A company is eligible to receive funding support if it is a wheat based product manufacturer, based in Ontario, in the business of making food products with wheat flour as 50% or more of the total ingredient mix by volume.

    To qualify for partnership with the OWPMB to receive monetary support under this fund, a company must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the OWPMB, that it can meet at least one of the following criteria:

    Incorporate Ontario wheat flour in a finished product formulation in replacement of other sources of
    wheat flour to the point where Ontario ingredients in the finished product are greater than 80%
    Develop a new finished product formulation using Ontario wheat flour as 50% or more of the total ingredient mix by volume and where the entire ingredient mix is a minimum of 80% Ontario product
    If you are a bakery in Ontario that is interested in this fund, please contact the OWPMB."_______

    Fair enough. Ontario is wrestling the local flour market away from the DA. So, who give's a rat's donut, you say, we can still sell to the likes of Egypt.? Read on:

    _______"Now that Ontario is able to consistently supply about 1 million tonnes of wheat to the international market, we are gaining a good reputation. International importers are starting to see Ontario as a reputable supplier of high quality wheat. And the OWPMB is hoping to foster and develop this reputation through a variety of trade missions and international market development.

    International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) Conference and Expo 2008, Tanzania, Africa
    In November, 2008 Larry Shapton, General Manager and Peter Tuinema, Manager of Policy and Programs travelled to Tanzania for the IAOM Conference and Expo. Two other industry representatives joined them.

    IAOM is an international organization comprised of grain millers and allied trades representatives devoted to the advancement of education and training opportunities in the grain milling industries.

    Through this trip the OWPMB was able to:

    Network with key wheat importers from North Africa and the Middle East
    Host a Ontario Wheat display in the Expo spreading the word about the quality of Ontario Wheat
    Promote brand recognition of Ontario Wheat
    Egyptian Delegates Visit Ontario
    In October, 2008 the OWPMB invited 3 delegates from Egypt to visit and to learn about Ontario Wheat production. Last year Egypt purchased about 180,000 tonnes of Ontario wheat.

    In an effort to promote and expand this export/import relationship, OWPMB entertained important Egyptian wheat buyers. Through tours and meetings, we confirmed their suspicions: Ontario producers grow high quality wheat and we have the infrastructure to move it where it needs to be, in this case, Egypt.

    Long –Term Export Development Plan
    The Ontario Wheat Board recognizes the increasing necessity of export markets for our wheat and we are currently in the process of creating a 5-year export development plan.

    In the past, as Ontario was not producing significant or consistent quantities of wheat, export development was done on an ad hoc basis. This system no longer works as we have reached a level of production that allows for strong export development programs.

    This plan will benefit when sold by both the OWPMB but also Ontario wheat sold by private companies as well. The goal is to promote Ontario Wheat and to provide more opportunities in the export market for Ontario wheat producers."_______

    Now, I want you to be fair. Ontario needs marketing assistance. Don't argue. They've said so above . They also posted this:

    _______" For nearly four decades the Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI) has worked with the agricultural community worldwide in the promotion and utilization of Canadian field crops. CIGI is an industry leader in delivering customized educational programs and technical expertise and providing ongoing specialized technical support to customers around the world. Through unique projects and applied research activities CIGI is also working with industry to identify diverse applications for Canada’s field crops.

    CIGI is a one-stop shop of technical expertise and facilities uniquely housed under one roof. Since 1972 more than 31,000 people representing grain, oilseed, pulse and special crops industries from 114 countries have participated in CIGI programs and seminars.

    Core funding for CIGI is provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Wheat Board. Additional funds and support are provided by other sectors of the agriculture industry.

    CIGI’s offices and technical facilities are located in Winnipeg, Manitoba."_______

    Farmers: Call Earl Geddes, whom you paid a tidy sum when he worked at the Board, and knows the ropes, and tell him CIGI should lobby for more funding from the CWB. (Is that what you call 'inside' lobbying?) Push it up to $5 MILLION. Ontario could use more cash.

    Anyone opposed? Anyone? Anyone? Carried.

    Carry on. Pars


      agstar: combination b and c, but the funding and payback has to become transparent. the question has an interesting tie to gust's idea about checkoffs in another post.



        We've got transparency brenda.

        In 2009, according to the CWB audited statement, Henry Voss was an elected farmer serving on the CWB as a director, but he also represented the CWB interest's at Canadian International Grains Institute Board (CIGI)

        He was on watch as the CWB pooling-money funding CIGI worked directly against Western farmer interests, as far as I can see.

        How much more transparency do we need?

        How about another $3MILLION form the pools to make it a total of $5M? Would somebody then grunt, "Huh?'

        Most of the Fed money also gets sent back East.

        It's called backroom policy. Ag policy. Make branding policy, for example, and then follow the money. Make new varietal policy, for example, and then follow the money

        This is why we need government the hell out of Agriculture. Pars


          I think they should change the name of
          agriville.com to conspiracy.com. If you are ever
          want to hear the latest in conspiracies just come
          here to find out.

          Pars you can ask many ag-people that know what
          CIGI does and no one will tell you that the
          underlying strategy is to syphon money out of the
          west and into Ontario. I think you are letting your
          hatred of the CWB blind your understanding of what
          CIGI does. The Ontario wheat market is not
          competing directly with the west, in fact they two
          products tend to complement each other.

          I'm just not one for conspiracy theories and tend to
          look at things at face value I guess. To each its


            "Hey, Eyes!"
            "You both been lyin to me?"
            "Bout what?"
            "What I read!"
            "Nope, Pars".
            "Shaney kinda thinks you are."
            "Nope, we aint. Promise"
            ""Well read it out loud."
            "Jeez, Pars, you gotta learn to believe in your own eyes! Here we go... First 1 snd then 2 and then 3"
            REREAD: "Studies done over the last three years at the Canadian International Grains Institute have supported that many Ontario HRS and HRW varieties are direct substitutes for western hard red spring and others will suit bakery applications with minimal equipment and technique adjustment"
            "You mad at Ontario, Pars?"
            "Nope. They're doing a good job of taking market share. Smart folks. Read on."
            REREAD"we have reached a level of production that allows for strong export development programs."

            "They're spending lotsa CWB pooling account money, is that why you're ticked, Pars?"

            "Not mad any more. Both production and markets have dwindled for the West. The Feds will pile their % into Ontario and along with the CWB cash to boot, we 're done like dinner. I give up. Next one"

            " International importers are starting to see Ontario as a reputable supplier of high quality wheat. And the OWPMB is hoping to foster and develop this reputation through a variety of trade missions and international market development"

            "Hey pars, it seems this is no conspiracy like the guys says you says. Ontario's told the West straight out they're growing more wheat and looking for markets."
            "So, they can't lose?"
            "Only if Ritz becomes their Minister, Eyes, only then."

            "Night pars"

            "Sayyou're sorry for thinkin we wuz lyin, Pars."

            "Sorry, eyes."

            "We read right first time, right?"

            "Yup. Sure did. Goodnight."


              actually pars...i know some wheat growers from ontario and quebec and they grow the same hrs wht varieties as we do...they aren't substitutes...they are the same..


                Shaney, do you farm? I am going to defend pars here for the moment. Other than the "udder" comment, do you make a living off of the farm (more than 80%)?
                Simple yes or no. I may not be able to spell worth sfa but bare with me, b/c you need to be schooled on reality on the farm and I am in a mood with the rain and all.
                Your take on canola stands last spring was a joke btw, up for a challange on that?
                You pissed on pars and I do not see eye to eye with some of her commnets but I am sure she will tear you a new a-hole when you are said and done on this.
                If you want to here conspriarcies just listen to the b.s. you are told by the so called experts in your grade ten interviews.
                "CWB is CIGI's largest customer" - self explanitory with the whole agument.
                At the end of the day we are recieving some of the lowest prices in the world for high quality wheat, these two are working hand in hand to supply the industrial world's premiuim buyers with cheap high quality protien wheat, IMO.
                Gotta go, hope I did not offend ya too much - beer clouds!



                  It is hard to be an eagle... when stuck with turkeys!

                  The analogy is just too tempting!


                  About now must be a the time to play a 'Cheating' western song.... 'lyin eyes'... it is just stuck in my small little brain...

                  This song now gets added to my CWB play list.... along with my all time CWB favorite by Captain Tractor!

                  "City girls just seem to find out early
                  How to open doors with just a smile
                  A rich old man
                  And she won't have to worry
                  She'll dress up all in lace and go in style

                  Late at night a big old house gets lonely
                  I guess ev'ry form of refuge has its price
                  And it breaks her heart to think her love is
                  Only given to a man with hands as cold as ice

                  So she tells him she must go out for the evening
                  To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down
                  But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin'
                  She is headed for the cheatin' side of town

                  You can't hide your lyin' eyes
                  And your smile is a thin disguise
                  I thought by now you'd realize
                  There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes

                  On the other side of town a boy is waiting
                  with fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal
                  She drives on through the nice anticipating
                  'Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel

                  She rushes to his arms,
                  They fall together
                  She whispers that it's only for awhile
                  She swears that soon she'll be comin' back forever
                  She pulls away and leaves him with a smile

                  You can't hide your lyin' eyes
                  And your smile is a thin disguise
                  I thought by now you'd realize
                  There ain't no way to hide you lyin' eyes

                  She gets up and pours herself a strong one
                  And stares out at the stars up in the sky
                  Another night, it's gonna be a long one
                  She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry

                  She wonders how it ever got this crazy
                  She thinks about a boy she knew in school
                  Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?
                  She's so far gone she feels just like a fool

                  My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
                  You set it up so well, so carefully
                  Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things
                  You're still the same old girl you used to be

                  You can't hide your lyin eyes
                  And your smile is a thin disguise
                  I thought by now you'd realize
                  There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
                  There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
                  Honey, you can't hide your lyin' eyes"

                  Oh what an ode; to perfectly discribe the CWB!

                  Well, just about... this song still works far too well!!!!

                  Well I used to be a farmer, and I made a living fine.
                  I had a little stretch of land along the sea behind.
                  But times went by although I tried, the money wasn't there,
                  and the bankers came and took my land and told me fair is fair.
                  I looked for every kind of job the answer always no,
                  Hire you now they always laughed we just let 20 go
                  The government they promised me a measly a little sum
                  But I've got to much pride to end up just another bum,
                  Then I thought who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone,
                  I'm gonna be a pirate, on the river Saskatchewan

                  And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains
                  Stealing wheat's and barley and all the other grains
                  And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers by your doors
                  When you see the Jolly Rodger on Regina's mighty shores

                  Well you think the local farmers would know that I am large
                  But just the other day I found an unprotected barge
                  I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser
                  I ram the ship and sank it and stole the fertilizer.
                  Bridge outside of Moose Jaw spans the mighty river
                  Farmers cross with so much fear there stomach are a quiver,
                  Cause they know that Captain Tractor's hiding in the bay
                  I'll jump the bridge and knock them cold and sail'em with there Hayyyyy

                  Repeat CHORUS

                  Well mounty Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat.
                  He followed on the shore lines cause he didn't own a boat.
                  But the cutbacks were coming and the mounty lost his job,
                  So now he's sailing with me and we call him Salty Bob.
                  A swinging sword and skull and bones and pleasant company,
                  I never pay my income tax and screw the GST, Screw it
                  Sailing down to Saskatoon the terror of the sea,
                  If you want to reach the Co-op boy you gotta get by me

                  Repeat Chorus

                  Well the pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here,
                  I hear in North Alberta there's a band of buccaneers,
                  They roam the Athabasca from Smith to Fort McKay,
                  And your gonna lose your sets and if you have to pass away,
                  Well winter is a coming and a chill in the breeze,
                  But pirate days are over once the river starts to freeze,
                  But I'll be back in spring time and now I have to go
                  I hear there's lots of plundering down in New Mexico,

                  Repeat Chorus

                  Repeat Chorus

                  Repeat Chorus

                  When you see the Jolly Rodger on Regina's mighty shores
                  When you see the Jolly Rodger on Regina's mighty shores

                  Send "Pirates Of Saskatchewan" Ringtone to your Cell"


                    You bet some are growing the same varieties. And good for Ontario. Expanding and coaxing market share is fair game. But who should fund?

                    tom4cwb, I'd like to hear you sing both on Utube, Get an accompaniest and do it up right. I'd love it as would all AV'ers. Pars


                      Good Morning furrow, you're going to wonder about me this morning, but I'm going to defend Shaun. LOL

                      He's just a young guy flogging his family seed business( http://www.haneyfarms.com/seed.php) as well as dabbling in audio-visual, which I'd hazard a guess that he loves.

                      He's got a techie bent, imho.

                      The interview Shaun did with Geddes is one he has done for a series:

                      A seed company called C&M Seeds and owned by the McLaughlin family has approximately 250 dealers all across Ontario (take a look at their map: http://www.redwheat.com/locatedealer.html)

                      They want to sell seed, and C&M Seeds is really pushing red wheat genetics in Eastern Canada,as well as soybeans, barley, oats, and mixed grains

                      They advertise heavy duty,which is the reason C&M Seeds sponsored the Wheat School

                      They want to sell!

                      I took this from their website

                      "Talking to many seed retailers in Western Canada, the sales of durum seed have been very slow and the interest in the crop has wavered."

                      Shaun is simply doing his best to encourage sales.

                      My annoyance is not with Shaun. He is doing his job. I can't blame him for being slightly evasive on some things. Some CIGI and CWB actions are indefensible.

                      My criticism is with the CWB for doing a poor job of marketing. Producers have reduced production because of them, markets are being lost because of them, and the pooling money is being re-directed because of them, to projects that advance the Designated Area's degradation and make DA farmers' prospects all the more dismal.

                      Whether or not Shaun farms,interviews or yodels in a rock band or wears a purple toque is sorta immaterial.

                      But taking a round out of Geddes, I think, is fair game. His association with a the funder-CWB is not arm's length. Okay, beat me up. LOL Pars


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