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Who Wants "Long Shelf Life" to be the Most Important Characteristic of Western Flour>?

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    wmoebis, good point.


      Just to highlight, longer shelf life is measured in hours, not days. It is giving the products more moisture or at least ability to retain moisture for a better mouth feel to the consumer. The equivalent of zuchini cake. It is also identifying properties in grains that can be separated out and sold for higer value.


        In our fridge at Kinsmen we have a loaf of "Wonderbread" that just had it's second birthday with no mold on it.
        Is that a good thing? I don't know, but I also don't eat wonderbread.

        In my view if the grain can be selected to have better qualities for the end user all the better. It's not the grain thats making some things unhealthy it's the additives and processing.


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