No you are not alone freewheat, Lots of us out there in simular situations. We just need more of us to start tellin the story as to how it really is out here, and to get people elected etc that really will do something about the level of risk that has been offloaded to us by the all those who buy off the governmemts of the day just so they can legalize their corruption and rule of the industry. this is not just about us farmers but many working people also, our system is in some ways as corrupt or more than many countries that the media criticize and mock at. Things have gone way too far off in favour of the corporate rule. I get a kick out of these extremist right-wingers who say that government programs should not exist, but at the same time they are the first ones and by a thousand fold lining up for government handouts for labour subsidies, training subsidies, the oil industry is a good example billions on billions of gov money (OUR MONEY) for exploration yet billions in profit, but farmers have to foot the bill for seed companies that want to develope new seeds chemicals etc. Our product benefits society more than oil yet we pay the whole shot, but then again just one example but we don't buy off the politicians either.
I know this doesn't help your immediate situation or mine for that matter.
I know this doesn't help your immediate situation or mine for that matter.