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Looks like we will start up again next Saturday!

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    Looks like we will start up again next Saturday!

    Just looked at the long range and maybe the early seeding and start was worth it because looks like we will be sitting till next sat at earliest. Sat snow, sun snow Monday rain Tues snow wed rain. Yea thats not very good. Moisture is needed in June not any more now. But reality is this is Canada Mother nature screws up the best intentions 9 out of ten years. So we were able to get to 10% done but what a struggle, New drill has lots of problems but I think Thursday we finally had all working since we were able to get three quarters seeded. Peas and Durum are almost done. Weed growth is minimum at this time so worrying about seeding. One guy spraying late on Thursday night Hm wonder when he will call Monsanto on that claim.
    Now anything fall desiccated or after crop harvested is clean any thing missed has growth.
    One neighbor has 24 quarters seeded. But that's one neighbor. Most would have started Monday. Looks like lots of pulses, Lentils are back in our area.
    Local Esso Dealer seeding Canola. Few newbies are following his lead. These will be the same guys wondering why seed treatment didn't work in two weeks. Or why that germ was lower or why did it freeze so bad. Few have burnt ground black this year for canola to help with frost, I don't like to see black ground but with Canola it seemed to help with the frosts last spring. We will see since I have 480 Acres that the Reserve Burnt for me. Their has been three very good land sales around ranging from low of $100,000.00 a quarter to close to $160,000.00 a quarter for a section. That deal was listed on Wednesday and sold by Saturday. I guess the cheaper land would come to an end. Rent seems to be steady to slightly dropping. We just signed a new three year deal on few and it was same as the last term.
    The fertilizer trucks are moving with no shortages Anhydrous is full swing. Price for anhydrous is 20% lower than last spring for those who didn't pre buy.
    Lots of mu-dding will take place after this storm passes. Good luck and whats going on in other areas.

    Most everyone here is ready to go, depending on weather. Canola may go in before peas - I hate seeding peas in cool wet ground. Long term forcast is changing every 6 hrs - take it as it comes, I guess? Anouther wet system may push through here by tue-wed.
    The Biggar area south of the Battlefords is realy wet now. Not alot of moisture north and east of the Battlefords.
    Anyone who managed to take care of heavy trash problems will be seeding shortly here, feilds with trash problems are going to be a nightmare for some.
    Got our "Rackateer" tank in place and filled, very neet set up, should work very slick for burnoff now that we have soil moisture for weeds to grow.


      A thick blanket of snow all over the ground and snowing. Birds are in a flying frenzy! The frogs croaked so much the past while it seems strange to open the door and hear the silence of snow. Trees are loaded with snow. Around zero. The tomato transplant brats are bawling and want blankets, so I'll tuck them in. Pars


        1.3" since Thursday evening Wadena north. Cold zero degrees,flurries now, very wet, weeks away from seeding. Gravel roads a mess of ruts and washboard! Howling wind all night. Just a crap of a spring. Global warming is B***sh**!


          Funny SaskFarmer3 how everyone thinks different. I always said the big guy upstairs must get very confused. Because I also have cattle as well as grain farm I LOOOVE this. Hell it can do this for a week. Theres no better feeling than tons, and i mean tons of moisture this time of year if you have cattle. Good luck to all this spring!!!


            SF3. You know a Saskatchewan farmer farming too much ground when they bitch about rain at seeding time ;-)

            I'm with smallguy, BRING IT ON !!!


              Hey I love rain just as much as the next guy but in East Sask were usually wet in spring only 1986 were dry. and 1961 I think.


                East side of Sask, cold wet is always the greatest challenge for any size of farm. This is NOT unusual. You are just more aware due to the forums. The sharing for us could be the****utic. The media seems to avoid our plight most years, just too negative for the rest of you.


                  Wish now would have harrowed in the fall, Was counting on a dryer spring in which spring harrowing would have conserved some moisture, actually may not have had to harrow if really dry cause combines did a good job of chopping and spreading so it was a gamble. Fall harrowing and having one inch less moisture in the ground would be a good thing now. Now will have to make ruts and clean up ruts to get going I am sure. Air tank will likely be sinking in the ground this spring. At least I got plenty of anhydrous booked for all this moisture. Sounds like a lot of you other farmers will be done anhydrousing when we are going so delivery will be no problem and on time.


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