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computers running the markets

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    computers running the markets

    I've noticed some satrange phenomenons in my trades lately, too. When I sell in an up market and I get a way lower price-wth? Who knows what the real price you sold at? We just believe what we are told by computers. I think selling at the market is dead. On the 1000 drop, the exchange only allowed sales that were up to 60% down. What about 59.9%? Unbelievable that there are no stops built in - gotta say I'm spooked.

    Wow I never thought of that, did anyone have a market price sell order on a stock on thursday and got a shit kicking? I recently made a 100 percent gain on Canwest when they aquired rights to make a new tv program, I sold out because the kid is just screwing away his fathers empire really fast and the company is basically tits up. Kids RESP is now doubled in 3 months shit house luck is all I can say. Now invested in AAPL at the high and is dropping since I bought. I think she will come back. 165 million trades on GE friday. Your not so dumb, someone somewhere made a shit load of money thursday. Questions need to be answered.


      wow aapl had 60 million trades.


        Good on you for APPL, but how high can that stuff go? I've been heavy into YLO.un for 4 months and its backed off a bit these 2 weeks. Looking hard at MMP.un. Take a peek on Bigcharts to see the dividends. Also the charts on STockcharts shows a break-out is due. Harper should reinstate the trust funds.


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