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rain on it way

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    rain on it way

    Looks like there is lots of moisture on its way by the weekend.

    We are about 2/3's done seeding.

    We are seeding mostly durum now and won't have to calibrate the air drill for a while. We seeded 8 different crops up to the durum so it will be nice to stay seeding durum for a while.

    The way it looks the Durum acres are going to be way lower this year.

    There is farmers around here that have seeded nothing but durum for the last 25 years and they are not seeding any durum or very little of it.

    Around here lots of canary seed, canola, yellow mustard, spring wheat, lots of lentils and peas getting seeded on sf in place of durum.

    You must have lots of bins, farmers rarely plant durum here, with the carry over is it wise to plant half durum if you cannot have a chance to deliver half of it? Sad to say I am switching out of Canola tomorrow, actually planted 500 acres of canola in one day today and the drill pulled easier also. But the last half section now is a challenge. Too bad everyone is planting canola and there is so much moisture for that super canola crop. Oh and rain is not welcome here. Shoe away.


      Who am I to say, if your 25 year durum neighbors are not growing it and you are then that is the gamble that us farmers take every year.


        Shoe away did not work, if rain was a light bulb then mysask forcast for Humboldt is lit up like a christmas tree for 5 days.


          Just a spit yesterday, get much rain? Seeding finally today. Need 10 good days. Forecast says maybe 2, dream on.


            Rained out here today. Might be able to get going by afternoon tomoro. Looks like lots more rain in the long range forecast.


              finished seeding peas on the lighter land yesterday PM and moved home to the heavy clay in a down pour(7/10th).


                Pre-seed sprayed my first 400 today. Dryest fields at that. Ruts and water everywhere. gonna be tacky if it don't rain. If it does rain, I'm screwed.


                  As of 7:30pm we have had 1.05 inches this afternoon. Got in about 15 acres just before it started raining.Water laying every where on the gumbo.Not many acres of light land left to seed.


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