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Will you be able to vote in the next CWB election? - Interviews with Richard Phillips and Larry Hil
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These changes are long overdue, I am sick and tired of way to many "farmers" and landowners who take zero risk and/or expense in growing the crop have a say in how I market my crop.
WTH does some 90 year old, or investor, need a vote on my future anyway? Stew needs a kick in the a$$.
Hopefully, the cwb just disappears.
Their special programs for manitoba farmers for fusarium and delivery make me sick. The rest of us pay dearly for them.
And stewiee is getting special deals that he doesn't want to make public either. Nice buybacks for his farm.
The changed are way overdue.. But seriously 40mt is also a joke in itself. You are "no" farmer of any type marketing only 40 mt of grain a year. Let's see now 40 mt of durum would total about 5700 bucks this year What could you possibly buy,maintain or do with 5700 bucks on a modern farm?? Seriously.what pisses me off the most is all the old timers runnin farm plates, doin farm deductions and renting out all their land, having an auction sale and then on top of it all will still cast their CWB vote.. I personally would like to see income tax laws revised to disclude anyone who actively isn't engaged in the day to day operations of the farm as well. What ya think of that STEWEY??
How clueless would you have to be to argue that
people who grow less than 40 measley tonnes in
3 years should be given the same vote as actual
farmers? What a piece of work.
Main points.
40 tonnes is so low a thresh hold that it would be ridiculous for the Liberals and Bloc to hold up changes in time for this falls election.
Message to Liberal and NDP mp's if you don't like being held up to ridicule. Pass the bill as it is.
In a may 5th live blog Ignatief said Let farmers decide. Only in downtown TO would 40 tonnes be a realistic farmer.
In fact only in TO would it be acceptable to vote on a neighbors property.
A point that Hill made that I had not thought of was that the CWB voters list will still be made from deliveries. People producing the other 7 grains can do a stat dec but historically. This has been very low for those who want changes to the monopoly.
I would have much rather seen the threshold be actual producers as. Well as weighted to production. The NFU/NDP want to see it that the people who pay the bills at the CWB. Get the say. On how the board is run.
To conclude I don't think that anyone should have a vote on how I sell my grain, but if your discussing how to run a business those with the most at stake. Should make the discussions.
The CWB is not a sovereign government (no matter howe much they think they are) They are a creature of an act of parliament that has run its course.
Sent from the field while I waited to fill the seeder so sorry if grammer and spelling are off.
Shane, 99% of crop share landowners still take near zero financial risk in growning the crop - self explanitory. It is still in their best interest to make money(crop share) - which pretty much excludes cwb grains period - if they have a brain.
Since it is the correct thing to do the NDP will be against it because they are mindless. Liberals will try to make it look like it was their idea and or try to display they are in control. They Bloc will be against it also, because they don't give a rats ass about the west.
And the 40 tons should allow most organic producers to vote. Would hate for them to lose their vote. But since if a lot of farmers don't deliver to the board I wonder how many will actually go through the bother to apply to vote now that they can. Will be the best election ever in my opinion.
Some guys here, and else where can take 40tn in an hour at harvest - most can do it within two or three. IMO 100tn min - this is the new millenium not the thirties/fourties, puck me they are still thirty years behind with this policy. Strickly weighted votes - no other option, IMO. More tns more votes.
Sure Furrow some guys can take 40 ton an hour. Many can do much better, do we need to run our country by a few man's wealth, debt level, acres? One person one vote is the right way to go. All producers should some how get their ballot in the mail though, not through some application process.
Hopper, this is not about running the country. It's about selling YOUR grain. I'll say it again, YOUR grain, the grain you grow, on YOUR fields where you have to pay all of the bills. It is your grain by right, not by somebody else's permission.
This whole voting thing is ridiculous in the first place. And its a complete farce because at the end of the day the ultimate power rests in Ottawa. The Lib's designed it that way so you could fool yourself into believing you had a tiny bit of say when really you have none. Fiddling with tonnage levels for ballots isn't going to change that.
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