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Hey, Phil Blake, President & CEO, Bayer Inc.: Bayer Crop Science

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    Hey, Phil Blake, President & CEO, Bayer Inc.: Bayer Crop Science

    Your dollar bill in the Western Producer is Bayer kinda money, Bayer kinda taste, right?

    Do the math. Making fun of Canada's head of State can lower your bottom line.

    Especially when Bayer applies for AAFC research tax dollars again.

    The Queen could get a little huffy; she's in her eighties. Why chance it?

    Use Phil Blake's face; he's President & CEO, Bayer Inc.

    Then you'll have your REAL 100% Bayer kinda money, Bayer kinda taste.


    Settle down big guy. For the record they just dropped the price of both Puma Super, Advance and Tundra by $3/acre this am and Velocity $2/acre. Better late then never.


      Little guy,

      I let it settle for a few days, reviewed the advertising with my Tuesday's eye, and came to the same conclusion:

      Dumber than dumb.

      Some schlup who designs advertising for Syngenta is dumb, and the Syngenta guy who approved the Advertising is dumber than dumb.

      Disrespectful advertising shows really poor taste.

      Big guy pars


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