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enough already!

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    enough already!

    Ya know, I've been very down on myself as the last few years have been very bad on our farm. Coming off a drought last year and dry again this spring got me really down, not thinking that it was even worth seeding! This was May 1! I've had to stop all my negative thinking and start thinking that this is going to be the best crop ever! Even only on 2 in of rain since june! I couldn't do it anymore. Thats the way it is, thats the way its going to be!

    Now, I am getting a little ANNOYED at some of you,(not all) that you complain that it is raining so much that you can't finish seeding, complaining that the big shots don't know what kind of crop conditions are out there, complaining about this that and the other thing and then with the next breath says they have had 2 great years, don't know how they can strike it lucky 3 years in a row! COME ON ALREADY! GIVE ME A BREAK! Stop your f'in bitching. It's all you do! I know that this is a site to vent your frustrations, but come on. Get yourself something positive to talk about, you'll be a better person for it.

    Whenever I asked my Grandpa how he was...his answer was always the same:

    "I'm on the right side of the dirt and it is better than the alternative."


      well said.


        "I'm on the right side of the dirt." Yep, kinda puts it all into perspective doesn't it.


          Life is a great adventure with good and bad happening all the time. I guess since this is a farm site I tend to talk about the frustrations of farming and not the other great things that make me smile in the day. Dont let me get you more down than you already are about life on the farm with my petty ranting. Just remember the farm is just a buisness not anything more. If we carry those frustrations into our family life we wont have a very good relationship with the people around us. All is not lost if we dont get this crop in or off in great shape we will still be here to live another day.


            A few years back i said to grandad"farming is going to
            be easy soon because prices are going to go up".

            He laughed at me and said "farming is never easy".

            He was right.


              I saw that exact quote in a paper, today. It struck a positive chord with me.

              Speaking of grandfathers, mine when asked, "do you think it will rain?", always replied, "well, if it doesn't, it's going to be a long dry spell."


                I have been at this game for a number of years( spring of 67)and I do not remember a May with this much moisture spred over the whole month,June yes May no.So far we have had 6.25 inches and on heavy clay it is saturated,but the alternative is the two days we had in April when the wind blow like H_ _ _ and dirt flew every where.We are about 25% done.


                  Your right 100% - but for those who forced land rents through the roof at averyones expense, screw you, you are gona get mother natured!!! For everyone else who held their own, God speed and keep safe. And to all line companies the forced some of these guys into getting bigger and becoming retardly large - hows the outstanding bills???
                  Sorry, there is a balance in farming and nature and some just don't get it. Saddly the rest of us pay for it!
                  Pars, this is excactly why I do not care about large corperate farms and share holders and cwb votes it will never work - too many fingers in the pie that is too small, 80% of these opperations will fail very soon and it has happened already. Too many chief's not enough indians at the end of the day, and not enough money and willing workers to get the job done properly - you know that, as does everyone.
                  Sorry long winded!


                    Hey Dfarms, you are right, and I am one of those who has been down and out, and frustrated. There are many things in life that have been blessings to me. My four little kids for one. Now, I am not going to stop complaining about being too wet, as we have not dropped a single seed in the ground, and if we don't which is looking likely under the forecast weather, I'm out of the farming game. BUT I still have my kids, my wife, my life. I may try raising something different on a smaller scale, as I told cotton earlier. I just can't see myself as a non-farmer.

                    Too dry must suck, and I'm not going to say wet is worse per say, but with wet conditions there are a whole lot more issues to contend with IMO. Ruts, Erosion, Weeds, Nutrient losses, breaking machinery pulling it out etc..

                    But I agree, we should all try to be more upbeat. Sometimes, like when it is cloudy/raining, and the heart is racing when one realizes the type of trouble a guy will be in if he thinks too hard about unpleasant prospects, it is very tough to think positively. But if we don't, it'll kill a guy.


                      Maybe we should all think of what our parents of grandparents used to say when things were tough or not going good for them. We haven't cornered the market on bad times.
                      "All this rain will grow is straw"
                      "She's a great world if you don't weaken"
                      "What do you mean you're sweating? You have a grain auger to help you"


                        Yes your right, but is a place to vent and you might have had three rough years, but when you pour your soul into the crop and then it freezes on 2nd of august, hm then next year doesn't rain and your in a rain area then in 2004 its crap like this year and it freezes again but this time the grain companies know the game and oh year you loose millions, sleeping is kind of tough. Weather controls your destiny. Weather. You were dry and happy now great. That's Awesome your going to be a winner this year. I am really happy for you every farmer should be able to grow a decent crop and get paid for it, but reality is mother nature will screw up a crop in western Canada some where every single year. This year it a large portion of the province. So venting on here helps keep your marriage intact, your workers still working and your sanity. As for complaining about the experts hey if these geniuses ever said the truth (today's CWB column about don't worry were just a little behind 64 vs 80 plus or the Canola growers Slow down every one were still early HA i Say.
                        So be happy you have every thing right I am just saying farming is farming its not easy or every one would do it.


                          Thanks for singling me out Dfarms for complaining. Lets all sing kumbaya. Hey you were down after three years it gets one down, really down. But dry keeps you from spending on a crop. Count your blessings and enjoy your bonus. It only happens like an old farmer beside me use to say. One in ten its a bonus then the other 9 you struggle so enjoy.


                            Like in year 86, that year is worst year ever I can memory and don't want ever again ever. Good thing Ethonal is here and working and praying USA going to increase by maybe 1 percent or 2 to 12% as instead of 15%. What happen down there Gulf of Mexico, should they stop giving oil company permit to drilling, and where would US get oil. we screaaming... bring more ethanol.


                              Sorry guys, I just had enough last night and had to vent. That's what this place is for, I know. Freewheat I was in no way complaining about you, we really seem to be in the same boat, pardon the pun, just at different ends of the scale. Sask, I'm sorry, It just got to me that you complain how bad things are yet in the same breath say how good things have been for you. Again I'm sorry.

                              Also thanks everyone for the positive support. Maybe we can all try to have at least one positive thing to say once in a while?

                              Here's to a fantastic year for all!


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