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    How's this for ONE POSITIVE, NO F'ING grasshoppers! Sadly, Saskatoon weather report said to this date RECORD May rainfall. Beats all since records started, and we still have a few wet days to go. Record slow seeding progress. I'd say good reason for us to be in shock for this spring's curve we got thrown. Oh! its sunny here! The trees just can not be more beautiful green and lust! Got to go take a picture, and cut the lawn.


      It's funny I don't stress about my crop, it's my dads that I worry about. I'm corporately set up so that if things go south I walk away and let the bank and FCC fight over the scraps, the house in the city is sheltered and I have my education to fall back on for work. My father on the other hand only has the farm and it looms on me that the week we take to seed mine in the middle of seeding his puts him behind the 8-ball for weather, early planted crop froze and the last 15% isn't in the ground on account of rain. It's amazing how strong the character of the farming community is with all the stuff we have to deal with that is out of our hands. It is only a buisness though, one good year to pay it off and one good year to retire is my motto.


        The last two posts were great! To quote the
        character 'Oddball' from the movie Kelly's Heroes -
        enough with the negative vibes already, it's bringin
        me down'. If things down on the farm are that
        depressing that you can't cope anymore, then bail
        while you can. But from what I read, many of you
        are just whiners and bitchers who don't want to
        admit that you love every minute of it. From
        Saskfarmer to Pars it's just whine whine whine while
        all the time enjoying the challenge and the
        satisfaction that the small victories bring. Admit it,
        there is nothing else you'd rather be doing! When
        life throws you a lemon, make some lemonade! So
        forget the weather, the cost of seed, the lack of
        fertilizer, the too dry or too wet fields and listen to
        the birds instead, give thanks to your family and
        how fortunate you are that you have been given the
        opportunity to be a farmer, because very few get
        that chance, count your blessings and like David
        Byrne sings "Well how did I get here?" Some of you
        say that farming is just a business but it's more
        than that, isn't it? No one carries on in business
        when the bottom line is always looking red or when
        the odds are always stacked against you. So, put on
        the big girl panties and admit you love doing this
        and when the odd time things work out for you -
        you have only yourselves and mother nature to
        thank for a job well done! All the best regardless of
        what the coming months bring you.


          Ah! Donald Sutherland. He obviously never fired a Sherman tank gun, or he would have felt a negative vibe!

          Winter wheat crop - ideal.

          Spring moisture - ideal.

          Spraying conditions - ideal.

          Sowing conditions, if we'd chosen to sow - ideal.

          Am I a farmer because I could and didn't sow? I believe I am because farming is like a big poker game in which I deal!


            Be resourceful.

            Saskatchewan is looking for more population, as is all the West, so stay indoors during this rainy weather, lock the doors and make babies. Pars


              Life is Russian roulette, checking.


                But every little cloud is not supposed to be LOADED with an 1" of rain. Only one cloud should be LOADED, that kind of roulette we normally play.


                  Hmm! I suggested making lemonade - Pars wants
                  you to make babies. To each his/her own I
                  suppose. At the end of the day, weather is one
                  more thing you can't control. But that has been the
                  nature of farming from the beginning of time.
                  Whether you farm with a 600 hp tractor or an ox
                  and plough, it's the same everywhere. Just be glad
                  you are living somewhere relatively safe and sound.
                  In a lifetime of farming you will experience at least
                  one of everything. And there are no guarantees -
                  just choices, good or bad.


                    You should be able to multi-task, Rocky, you seem to be a pretty clued in guy. lol Pars


                      I wouldn't want to brag!


                        Throw in chewing gum, and then you've earned bragging rights. LOLOL Pars


                          Throw it where? You're into that organic wine again,
                          aren't you Pars? Actually, not that bad, the wine I
                          mean. Do you grow organic garlic by chance? I saw
                          some last year at a farmers market and I swear the
                          cloves were about three inches long each and the
                          smell was terrific - subtle, not overpowering.
                          Unfortunately they were on the shelf too long and
                          were drying up.


                            You've heard the expression... "He couldn't talk and chew gum at the same time...."

                            Used to grow mountains of garlic. I grow it for my own use, now. It's high and bulbing and I've hilled it twice. Mild. Crunchy.

                            Now picking from garden : Asparagus. Lovage. Sorrel. Parsnips. Garlic chives.

                            Should have lettuce next week. Eating onions and hope to have potatoes by July 1st.

                            Keep your food fresh, Rocky, and be fussy. You may as well grow out smart kids. Pars


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