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I need to vent!!

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    I need to vent!!

    As do most of you!
    Got a neighbour, actualy two together - one bachler one with children gone. Anyway, time management is a disaster for them and at an age they seem not to care anymore. Between my brother and I we have six children and wives that work full time plus we run a seed business. Every single child is doing extra ciricular activities - our choice.
    Long and short of it is that they(the neighbours) dog ***$ all the time, and expect us to fill in when we can - for nothing. We put up with it b/c they have dirt right beside us that will work for us possibly at some time. Anyway last friday one decides to go to Calgary for the long weekend(wife's orders), and me and diff neighbour are seeding and spraying for him - again. The neighbour busted his ba$$s to finish and so did we, despite having children and full time working wives. On Friday the one brother is laying on the couch and the other in Calgary enjoying life while we two stooges do their work, I know dumb a$$e$. When is enough enough for some of these guys? And puck me, for sure they will want top buck if they call er quits next year b/c they can not make er go. Sad thing is some absolute clown will come in and pay more than what it's worth and leave us out to dry! Puckin a$$holes!
    Sorry for the rant, have a good night.

    could you atleast get a first rite of refusal for your good deeds? that would atleast be something than having it bid away without knowing where you need to be with your bid. I've heard of people selling it away from neighbours for less than a thousand a quarter. even if you had to pay up, it might be worth it if the land is that close. FR of R, might really be worth alot of the trouble your feeling now.


      I learned a long time ago friendships,relationships and promises are long forgotten when it comes to buying-selling land and settling estates!


        The longer you continue to prop them up the longer they will farm. They have gone into retirement mode already but they havent quit farming yet because they dont have to. make them do it themselves and it will force them to make some decisions. You don't have to do it in a mean way just look after yourself first. We had a neighbor here that would call us from the lake in July to ask us to go spray for him, and for the same reasons as you we did. Last fall when everyone was under the gun he asked us to do some swathing for him but we said we couldnt we needed to get ours done first. By Dec he was getting out of farming after he realized if he had to do everything himself he didnt want to farm.


          Call it character building. The guy you are helping out might not realize it but others do. It will pay back in spades. When one door closes another one opens. Never think its a waste. Coffee shops talk about the screwings others take and someone steps up.


            Ditto tipsy, been there done that.


              Thanks for advice guys - needed that.


                The only dumb ass is the one who works for free. Ever hear the last dying words of a man... I sure wished i worked more?

                Sorry furrow but agree with above, real estate has a short memory and lazy people who take advantage of the goodness of others is just that, taking advantage. Collect your ataboy stickers other ways.


                  When you volunteer, or lend a hand, or contribute, do it with an honestly willing heart, no strings attached, and with a true sense of giving. Then you don't feel hard done by.

                  If you don't feel that way, refuse.

                  Work is such an enjoyable part of life. furrow, but most won't know that, until they can no longer work, just for the sheer joy of it. And then they inevitably lament, "If I could only work again."

                  Nothing more satisfying, at the end of the day than to see what work you have accomplished. For yourself, your family or a neighbor. Pars


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