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is the CWB going broke or subsidising the Consumer

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    is the CWB going broke or subsidising the Consumer

    It has been 9 months since I hauled out wheat to this years 09/10 crop year and still no increase in the initial payment. The railway got paid,the elevator got paid, the employees at the CWB have gotten paid. Where is my fair share.Have the hundreds of workers at the CWB done such a shitty job of marketing or wheat that there is nothing left. The wheat that I delivered a couple of months ago for sure has gotten to the consumer, eatten and pooped out allready. and I haven't gotten paid yet. Next time you eat Wheat products remember your CWB is allowing you to subsidise the consumer,and all the employees in between.

    No ship. This useless bunch have all been paid. All the parasites have feasted and the farmers is left the scraps oh heads up they took even that this year. Nice system. A couple months back I said they would have some pennies for us at Farm Progress show week and watch that will be our final for year. Pennies yea.


      The Cwb applied for an increase a long time ago, so why not call Ritz and find out what the hold up is.He will say its held up at the treasury dept.


        hey katoe I hauled wheat out 9 months ago and they only applied for an increase a month ago maybe the treasury department has found out the Cwb has screwed up so bad that they cannot approve a payment.


          I was told there will be no interm payment at all, for reasons stated above. The great grain robbery of '09.



            Since it is our 'designated area' grain farmers money they are spending... the CWB has our 'bottomless pockets'... as long as they sell using the your/my 'pool' to back them/us. Didn't you know.... this is a Co-op!

            Of course the 'lowest price is the LAW' at the CWB... we keep electing directors who want pool subsidised feed prices like the NFU, CFA, and Bloc/Libs and NDP promise consumers.

            It is the Canadian way... our prices are so low the chinese tell us they are like them!

            Be happy... don't do anything about it ...now thats the 'Canadian' way!


              They are in deficit on the durum pool. The signs are there. Reduce your contract into the lower priced 10/11 pool. Letters and penalties for over delivery.

              Next time the pee ons at the cwb tell you how good a job they are doing, ask them if they would adjust their salary to the shitty returns they have been getting us.

              If wheat and durum drop in half, either by price or acceptance, then so does their salary.

              Ian white and Ward W. are two people that should have been fired years ago.


                I that is the case I am ready to kick some socialist, farmer elected, western manitoba directors butt.


                  Add to that the nice fusarium program they had for a few manitoba farmers. They got paid a number 2 for feed. So technically, they have more than their fair share of the interim/adjustment payment already.

                  And don't forget the nice pre flood delivery program as well.Money in the bank which is why you have the socialist directors in manitoba.

                  Just listen to agstar on the other threads - everythings great on his farm but twenty miles either way its a washout. He is going to fill the cwb export program. Pretty narrow view of the world isn't it?

                  How much durum and cwrs are in the ground and in good shape right now?

                  10 or 20 percent? The cwb might not have an export program if the weather doesn't improve.


                    I can see it is a waste of time trying to reply to any of your questions, as you twist statements to suit your agenda. I only stated that soils were saturated , not that anyone else could not plant a crop. It is all about subsidizing the consumer, look at the U.S. farm subsidy programs, that is who we are competing against. That won't change until the U.S. deficit catchs up to them.


                      The american farmers are being paid very well for their durum in the upcoming year. If the americans want to give the grain away so be it BUT they make sure the farmers are paid.

                      By the way agstar - what do think of special fusarium program that costs the rest of us. And the pre flood delivery that some manitoba farmers get while I am storing grain and building bins?


                        Never used any special fusarium delivery program. Never used any early flood delivery program. Like to pit one farmer against another?


                          Hillary is trying to get the rest of the world to scold North Korea. So, maybe the CWB will sneak into North Korea's backdoor with some of the DA's high protein wheat and sell it dirt cheap to the communists. That's triple bypass thinking. I'd better go kill cutworms.


                            No actually, if you would think about it, the cwb likes to pit farmers against each other.

                            I do not develop these programs - the cwb does.

                            And the fact that you don't use them should make you think about what it is costing your farm.

                            There was an article in the WP about a farmer who went from basically a feed to a 2 on his wheat. He got a significant bump in grade and payment and the rest of us wait for our adjustment. The very least the cwb could have done is paid the farmer on base grade and then he could have waited like the rest of us for an adjustment.

                            Sorry about the reference to the other threads, I am quite happy that your farm will have a good year. I like seeing farmers making money. We have guys with a great start as well but the general area is struggling.



                              Designated area producers, you must be from Alberta! Just as you think you're subsizing MB producers freight to Vancouver, the same might be suggest that we are subsidizing your freight to move it to the Midwest USA. Whole lot closer to Chicago from Manitoba.

                              Granted, the CWB is kind of like a (small C Coop) Its unlike the Big Grain Companies, where what you get in the fall or when you deliver..... thats it! True if our buddies in the CWB ever get their act together and find that premium then we can hope to get it at the end of the crop year.

                              Having been in the retail end of agri business in the past, the CWB is no different than your local Co-op, Viagra, etc when it comes to selling. The buyers of this world grains (India, China, and everyone else) are looking for your "best price" They have a choice......... sell it for a premium, sell it to move it, or like we think they are, for a loss to the producer. We all think (myself included) that we can market our grain better. As individuals we can't fill a boat by ourselves for export, so who gets the best price then?

                              Choice is the key to make us think we are in control, but will it mean that the Big G's will pay the producer any more?


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