We ended up with around three inches scince last friday. South and east of N.B. 4 . Never seen this before. Water everywhere around S'toon from what I hear.
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How much rain.
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8.5 inches this spring so far also, 2.25 last rain so anything over .2 inches did run off here also and will still be running for another day, 5 days for some ditches, or more depending how far the water comes from, creek as high as it gets. Sloughs where there is never supposed to be sloughs, so likely only wedges to plant if we ever can get out there, so many wondering here weather to plant all the acres as she is going to be late even if we get all sunshine now, forecast is for cool and looks we will be getting frost within the next 6 nights. Maybe the high moisture may help the canola plants through the frosts, yet some will be stressed from the high moisture. Let mother nature do its thing.
starting from the spring run off, each rain has increased the size of the wet spots, acres left to seed are getting smaller every rain, but so are the acres I've planted. lots of water sitting out in newly emerged fields, plants too small and will be lost to flooding. 15-20mm for tonight, 15-20 Thur and 5-10 for Sat. Not sure how much will be planted if/after we get that. I will not plant past June 15th.
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