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    Just a farm woman's view from the cutworm patch:

    1.The folks with money don't want to lose their money. They are twitchy. Volatility.

    2. Euros look shakey because EU countries have neen writing IOU's to each other, and essemtailly nobody with real money is backing the loans, so rich folks move to the US dollar. Volatility.

    3. China lends to the US. At least China has a piggybank with some cash and some gold in it.

    China will eventually say, "No". Volatility. US spending is completely out of control at $13 Trillion dollars and China is not dumb. They buy gold.

    So, ask me a question about cutworms. I'm an expert in that field. LOL Pars


      Cognitive linquistics,is what your 2 x4's gave me
      pars.No small feet for a guy with a think brow.And im
      still working on it.Lots and lots of reasons for my
      prickish behavior before,but hyde is safe and sound
      and locked uptight until i need him.Like a guys
      favorite ball-peen.

      Economics,my ears have been dry for a while.


        "When he was still economically wet behind the ears, that is how cott learned; mediasynthesizing economic madness."

        Means: mediasynthesizing is a parallel to photosynthesizing but instead of chlorophyll, you absorbed internet. That's how you really absorbed the big picture....(you woke up one day and saw it was spring. I'm not that old...I can recall you telling us that LOL)

        Learning is such a lifelong process, cott, be patient with yourself, and you'll do well at it. Wait until you get to be my age and you find out you know absolutely squat, with the exception of how to cut earthworms in half in one nanosecond, with your index finger and thumb. A goal, indeed. LOL Pars


          Question about juicy green cutworms since shaney won't ask.

          If you use the same technique as you do with earthworms, and have been doing it for decades, why have they not been eliminated from your garden?


            I don't use the same garden patch!


              Touche!, parsley.

              The real answer is, though, that you can't control where the adult moth will lay its eggs. Garden switching likely doesn't work.

              Likewise, hoped for control of wild oats is our objective. The seed bank may decrease over time, but years like last year can humble a person when they germinate after a crop has been sprayed that isn't competitive with weeds in the first place.

              I'll also admit that seeding tame oats that are not 100% free of their wild cousins has happened. Millers will take them without downgrade to 2% wild. 2% is a really black sample!

              I'll spend my Canadian dollar on control. You keep squishing out your concerns!!


                I don't try to eliminate earthworms; it would be a futile act, other than to attempt to slow them down in a specific patch.

                Nature is impossible to outsmart. Do you garden, checking? Pars


                  One interesting thing. If you keep a weak 'patsy' in a row, insects will repeatedly attack it and often leave the rest of the hardy plants alone.


                    Anyway, I went long the loonie and will probably add to position if it goes down again. Also will sell most of my inventory and replace with call options or futures. There's not enough carry in the market for physical product, might as well have my money and eliminate storage risk. Though not sure what this has to do with garden pests.


                      Qustion when do gold bugs sell gold?
                      I was scolded this winter and reminded that their is no profit until you sell.
                      Why not buy real eastate and at least collect rent? Rather than buy and bury in back yard.4

                      If your worried about the end of times why not just buy guns and ammo?

                      Not trying to be a smart ass it's a real question.


                        Gold: trend is your friend, sell when it breaks out to the downside. If you're getting jittery, put in a trailing stop.


                          A well rounded portfolio includes land, gold, stocks, real estate @ credible renters, guns @ammo, grain bin @food, cash, neighbors who are friends, independent children, cats that mouse for themselves, a plentiful garden, and lots of available water. But what do I know?

                          If you are comfortable with soley buying Viterra stocks, or own BP shares, it's your choice to live with. Pars


                            I'm up to speed on most of what you recommend but what guns would you suggest? Hand gun, shot gun, high power rifle? Or are you thinking of 22 for small game?


                              Depends upon if you like to eat rabbit cutlets, or elk steak, duck pate, or fresh veal toutiere. You get to choose.

                              I enjoy a varied diet. And yes, I'm registered. Pars


                                And if you think Parsley is quite mad, my daughter, who loves the farm, now tends hens in her huge manicured backyard, downtown, in a city, in Ontario, next to a park. In a designer chicken coop from ebay.

                                Fresh eggs every day.
                                It was her lawyer-huband's notion.
                                The children are ecstatic.

                                Their choice. Pars


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