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Canola Why Marketing Genius in Calgary is Wrong!

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    I emailed Agri-Trend yesterday, here is a reply..."I agree with your comments. The projection was on acres. Stats Canada is reporting 16.9 million up from last year’s 16.5 million. The grain companies are reporting 17.8 million acres. We feel like it will be more like 16.7 up slightly from last year last year based on our agrologists crop reports in Alberta and south east Sask and Manitoba where seeding is 80% done with only bly and oats left to put in. If it rains on Saturday as forecasted it will drastically change that. Yield is another whole topic we are aware of what yields do after June 10th"




      Every one who pays these idiots should phone and give them a piece of their mind. They are not helping you one bit with BS like this.


        I would bet that less than 13.5 mill ac is in the ground as we speak. Mojority of that has emerged and waiting this cold weather out. There will be frost damage by tue morning. Could be very little or alot.


          No matter how late, or wet the ground is...The media always has a way to put a "Positve" spin on the situation, so that it sounds..Not that bad....


            Was at Horizon in Humboldt yesterday picking up some chemical. The forklift operator got wedged from the canola stacked up to the roof and too close to the chemical on the other side, LOL, he is a good driver really :-)), we max our canola acres here every year and the suppliers have one hell of a lot of it still in shed. I asked about the canola to go out yet and he laughed and said the acres are dropping as we speak.


              How is Australia these days, on May 23 Malleefarmer thought it was dryer than a nun's wizzer. Could help us out a bit with demand.


                These "retards" in Calgary will push the acres up, push the price down, buy paper contracts and then sell high when the real numbers come in, or we have an August frost.

                They don't ever have to get their loafers wet, and their Dockers muddy, and the Beamer can stay in the garage.


                  Your right dagpatch, they could care less about what is happening in reality, today - It is filling their pockets tomorow. They know how to play the game, as you said - without getting their boots muddy. Saddly there is no regulation on this type of market manipulation.
                  The crushers are starting to feel the pinch though, look at basis levels, nevousness is setting in IMO. And deliveries are nill everywhere b/c no-one can move anywhere. I think it will be an interesting next two weeks in the canola market.


                    Noticing "market manipulation" showing up on more and more posts and threads.

                    Maybe I am not a conspiracy theorist after all.

                    Good on them, I just wish the cwb hadn't sold my year old durum for nothing in the past couple weeks into the 10/11 crop year.

                    The rest of the world is watching us now and coming in for those bargain basement deals as Bruce, ian and ward have a circle jerk in winnipeg.


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