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Farming with "Farmer Gump"

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    Farming with "Farmer Gump"

    Hey can anyone think of a better way to bring the global economy out of a recession then the magic tool called cheap food for everyone. Farming is “perfect competition” . That’s all anyone on this site needs to know about commodity marketing. If you don’t know the definition, then look it up. I’m becoming convinced that it just doesn’t matter how many people join our wonderful population, the fact is farming margins will always be smashed by overproduction. Commodity prices are cyclical, and I hate to say it but we might be headed downward to flat for a while. I suggest you put your commodity boom *****s away for the next few years. That little sweet thing left town. So now we are getting a grip, good then boys, making some progress here.


    Sorry, what was that Mr. Gump

    -Buut buut what about cha cha china?

    Oh yes what about that Hungary, dirty polluted, ever consuming, growing middle class that likes the taste of meat every bit more each day. Well, when this whole world become more comfortable with GMO, and zero tillage, and knocking down more rainforest, and using more fertilizer, just to ramps up production to take advantage of that little bit of margin that pops up in a few years.”Cyclical remember” You can kiss that commodity boom goodbye as well. Yes we are back to the perfect competition theory. Look it up already so you can stay with me now.

    Sorry mr. Gump your gonna have to speak up

    Wu wu well what about global wu wu worming ?

    Um… that might not exist, ok well carbon levels in the atmosphere have gone up slightly but really gump, we have a long ways to go before the earth heats to the point that production is actually gonna be effected drastically. And don’t you wanna make money in this life time?

    Ok gump hit me with a hard one here, I wanna squeeze some serious info into you right here and now

    Du du do you think that’s wes gonsta eva make sum weal money in dis businas of farmerin?

    Well gump, im gonna lay this one down on you and you best listen up good yu hear. This business of farming you speak of is one of amazing reward. Not always money, but the feeling of being outside in the beautiful fresh air on the land that your father’s father farmed a hundred years ago. The feeling of knowing you are your own man and you don’t work for nobody but yourself,(and maybe the bank) but god dam it, you hear me I own this business, and you don’t tell me nothing. What the hell can anybody possibly enjoy more then that? That’s pride in what you do! Knowing that the cheap food that you flood the world with is actually the food thats feeding Hungary mouths of people that never had the amazing opportunities you did. Hey gump you know what, if you love what you do, you don’t have to work another day of your life, and if your optimistic and put some thought into your decisions, well you are gonna make it. You have to make it. You know why Gump? Ill tell you why, because this whole world is relying on you and they don’t even know it. Hey gump my year end profit margin was $800 000 when the boom hit and my family farm is 4500 acres. Average the last five and im over a half million a year. You can make money. But respect the fact that farming is not simple.

    Here gump I have a check list for you, look it over every night before you go to sleep:
    - Don’t take on to much debt, interest rates will rise.
    - Stop cheating on your wife, she will take half your shit, you are not Tiger Woods, she will not put up with that.
    - Love what you do and don’t bitch like saskfarmer3 about every broken nail, hemroid, flat tire. Who stole my Barbie doll, I want my susu, where’s my Dodi. – who’s dam kid is that anyway!!
    - BE OPTAMISTIC even if the sky is falling down, because you know you’re not gonna sell out, that son of yours would never forgive you
    - Look forward to inflation of the US dollar, it will happen because Ben Bernanke is actually flying around in a helicopter as we speak, tossing dollar bills all over the states. Id would go on about why the dollar must fall and why a equilibrium with foreign currencies is extremely important but that could take a while.
    - Watch the series of video on youtube called “the most important video you’ll ever see” and learn about exponential growth, it will make you feel better about being a farmer
    - Oh yes, and pray for global oil production to decline, you want less of that stuff around because that will makes your stuff worth more. Ya there are disadvantages but I have a feeling that grain producers will benefit overall.
    - Ok your ready for bed
    - Oh shit you cant sleep, it might freeze tonight and you have a million dollars of canola in the ground and its just popping its head up.
    - Get an account and start putting money in it so you can help pay for your kids education because they are the future, and this world is going to need some educated farmers.
    - Educate yourself, read and read and read some more, because there is so much amazing information out there that can help you be the best farmer around.
    - Don’t slip up, the inefficiencies will drain all of your potential
    - Don’t be afraid of integration, be creative and entrepreneurial. Think with logic reason, opportunities are all around us and its our job to realize them.
    - And no, even if you can drive 350 yards you can’t cheat on your wife, she will take half!

    Well Gump, its been swell talking with you.
    Good luck in the future

    Why didn't you use your name Cottonpicken??


      Im flaterred.


        That's all your profit was in good year, I'm suprised it wasn't more cotton. Ha ha ha lifes a bitch now let's loose some money for next 9 years till the next 1 day boom comes along.


          And you think I dodnt enjoy what I do ha ha its a game and its fun. This year we didn't expand and over pay for land instead pulled in our horns and working on eliminating all land debt and increasing savings. Then this fall when reality hits and land becomes available to buy because oh crap their is no boom. We should add anouther 10 or more. Also I agree with all yoiu wrote most need to read read read. Also I am just under 50.


            I never wrote that-and i hardly agree with any of it-
            very flawed train of thought coming from someone
            who reads reads reads but doesnt understand what
            he/she is reading.


              Sorry Cotton way to wet day to finish the deck glanced over it then replied busy at the lake few to many wobblies.


                true story from the flawless nosepickin- nothing in real life is as simple as a page and a half of words, but its fun to take a swing at it for shits and giggles. lighten up


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