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Question for Larry?

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    Question for Larry?

    Do you have any foresight on unseeded acres? I would think by Mon/Tues it would shock alot of people if it is possible to run a few numbers about how large the number is.
    Maybe a poll on here would be a good start.
    In this area North Battleford and north-north west I would say 90% done(Including your homeland).
    South and east of here from N.B. to Blain Lake to Radison back to Biggar over to Unity 60-75% at best.
    Meadow Lake should be well above 75% done as well. Well that's my neck of the woods, how about others?
    A fair amount of seed went in the ground here Thurs/Friday.

    I think we are 70% seeded for canola in SK.

    MB is done. AB is 85% after this week.

    I was using 17.35 million acres:

    MB = 3.3 million
    SK = 8.75 million
    AB = 5.3 million

    That would leave 2.625 left in SK and 795,000 in AB or 3.42 million acres across western Canada.



      I was out in my old stomping grounds last weekend. Took Hunter and Rain out to St. Hippolyte no less, even got pop at the Vawn bar; hard to believe there were peelers in the old convent once...that makes my pulling the veil off Mother Superior seem pretty tame.

      The heavier land on the other side of the river did not have much seeded from Battleford to Delmas.

      The frikkin oilwells just amaze me everytime I get back there.


        Hardly want to post this, as i do feel for those with crop still to seed, but suspect southwest is 85-95% done, with kindersley/west central a little less. Probaly 75-80% done between Kindersley and Saskatoon.

        Took a drive this morning and shocked how we can get 6 inches of rain in a month and have no sloughs. None. It is either the positive affects of zero till or we were just incredibly dry to begin with.


          Same thing here Dave, some water just showing today.
          Hey Larry, we have got some 45H29(clubroot res) on St.Amant's 9 year canola feild, should be interesting. Good to hear you still have time for a pop at the old watering hole. lol


            West side of Lake Diefenbaker, south of Outlook. Most are in that 1/3 to 2/3 done but no more. Just depends where the heavier rain went.We farm some heavy clay ( like Rosetown or Regina) and have done nothing with it yet. We are over 7 inches since it started.


              Davidson would be close to 60-90% done with most special crops in cereals would be last and latest. south and west would tend to be higher with north and east tending to be less than 50%.
              My thoughts will be some huge yields, might be feed but volume will be there.
              With the long days ahead, stay safe all.


                Interesting to here all these nice figures. Just listen to
                farmgate and heard about the good rain we all needed.

                I am 35% done with no canola. Most others in the area say
                about 1/3 done, but don't know % canola. Would have liked
                some canola in the ground, but fields that could be seeded
                where not canola ground. Rain fall for April is 450% of
                normal and May is 150% of normal. We got 4 days in the
                field and lost half day due to no NH3.
                Presently rain with forecast of over an inch. Mostly likely
                3 days of dry weather before we can move in the field, as
                all the runs are running water.


                  May 24 crop report says 24% and near zero was done since then in Wadena- Kelvington area. Locally I'd say that is about right, canola at 15% max. Cereals were seeded, wheat for us. Cultivated mud for three days, just awful, nothing I'd seed in those conditions. Zero till is definitely worth zero, 20% WATER. I'd bet EVERY field will be spiked this fall just to DRY the dam thing out for next spring. It's a hell of a mess to be WET. I resolve to be happy when dry and dusty. David Philips is guessing hot dry June.


                    I would say here in the n.e.,Tisdale Nipawin, Carrot River area some where around 60% maybe a bit more? done.With a sprinkling of all crops being seeded ie Whatever he had plan for is earlier or ligher land that was what was seeded. But the big problem now is, we have the wettest land(lots of water pooling, ground saturation) left to go,and who knows how this will go now as every farmer will handle his situation differently.
                    Me personaly I'll seed to about this coming weekend and what I don't have done won't get done.


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