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Devasting weekend?

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    Devasting weekend?

    So from snow to rain it has been a wild weekend in the western prairies. South of Winnipeg places are approaching 10 inches for the week. Emerson Saturday pm 6 inches one down pour. Sask3 re the guy in Calgary - do not care how many acres of canola are planted. Those number may be changing by the hour as I bet a lot of it is sitting under water right now or even snow. Will be a lot of damage and reseeding might be on the minds of some farmers. If it stops. For those who have not seeded - you are not any further behind than some of us that planted. Just wondering how the weather has been in your areas this weekend. As for the fog and days to rain. In my area it has been almost to the day. Much more to come in June if this pattern continues. May need some current plans for an ark.

    started seeding apr.24 8 out og 52 1/4s seeded including 2 winter wht. 11 in. since we hit the field.We have been wet since 2004-is this a cycle or the norm since the advent of direct seeding. We are located about an hour NE of yorkton


      How does that make your plans work out?

      I have not seeded in over a week and its looking terriblly late for what I have left to do.

      Does it pay to make equipment payments and then pay to have custom seeding done?


        My theory is that since almost everyone in western canada is now direct seeding and when a system comes from the west over the rockies-it is now picking up alot more moisture from the evaporation of the more moisture that the ground now carries and when that system hits sask. it has to unload on us! Just a theory? Any rebuttles?


          I have always used custom operators as surge capacity.Our land won't carry ground equp. Its going to sound like world war 3 this week-I've called in the air force to spray the whole farm.


            Thats gotta cost alot?

            With prices where they are does it pay?

            And can you get all the resources you need when everyone is behind?


              $8/ac is better than having an out of control weed growth that is sucking N,P,K and S by the minute.


                Looks like a complete train wreck just south of regina anybody from that area?


                  Going to freeze here tonight. Pars


                    Where you at Parsley?


                      Cotton neighbor in City farms south of Regina. its a bloody mess. Never seeded in June worried.


                        Two hours southeast of Regina. Forecast for 1 degree, but it was clear all day, so no cloud cover, and now cold tonight. Dead still. Plants are hunkered in. Pars


                          Organic crops probably better prepared for frost than conventional?


                            Silver, the organic crops might fare a little better. Planted late, some not planted yet. It reminds me of a bumper sticker fron the 70's (?) on a junker vehicle. "I many be slow, but I am ahead of you!" Basically its just farming, the weather dictates, no one is immune from crazy bad weather. The only possible saving grace is there would be a little less cash pumped into the ground in regards to fert and chem. I say "a little" because organic burn off consists of diesel fuel, tractor hours and cultivator shovels, harrow packers, rodweeders, and all that other stone age shrapnel! Its pretty fun telling the hired man we are going to have to "pass the rod" on field #4. The industry has not found any chemical resistance to the dreadful rodweeder! Another perceived biased advantage is, there are no skulls and crossbones on the stuff we are handling. On the other hand, its not that much fun listening to frost warnings in August/early Sept. My neighbors climbed on me about organics and weed control for a couple of years, then the "bad spray" stories (too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too early, too late, not enough water volume, too much water volume. Did I miss any?) would come out to justify a "late flush" of something. Then I would say, you should spray it again, and again. Good grief they invest in a big SP sprayer, threaten me with it, then they dont want to spray the weeds that are there! I digress, ultimately its just farming, everybody just wants to grow a crop and make a living, deep down thats all they are asking for.


                              Little shower this morning , just to freshen it up a bit.


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