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Well at least were not living in India. 122F Wow!

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    Well at least were not living in India. 122F Wow!

    Hundreds die in Indian heatwave Death toll expected to rise as India faces record temperatures of up to 122F in hottest summer on record.
    Wow talk about cooking an egg on the sidewalk. Wow.
    But watch we will be told its not effecting their crops at all. Yea. Really. Wink Wink.

    Sounds like we better hold onto our peas--alot higher prices ahead?-with that of heat wave in India.


      Ya just hope we'll have some to sell this year! Need heat and sunshine badly. Doesn't sound like the high temps we're suppose to get are going to be as high as expected. Guess anythings better than the crapolla we've been having.


        Sounds like monsanto needs to steal yet another trait from India. Heat resistant crops, Joke.


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