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Jack Layton for PM.

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    Jack Layton for PM.

    It seems their was a survey out this weekend that asked question if Liberals and NDP joined and talked election with a coalition govt lead by Jack Layton they would win. Reason Quebec would vote for such a coalition Govt. They like Jack.
    OK is it just me or is their something very wrong with water in Quebec. A Nut job they would vote for over a scholar, OK maybe they aren't that nuts since Iggy isn't that great. But Taliban Jack. Wow. Their is a good one. Oh yea and watch this week for France to have their Credit rating lowered on Debt. China is also warning that all this foreign Debt could cause a double dip recession meaning we could go lower before we move higher. Hm helping all really works. Way to go we will be next with a Jack lead fed govt and money pouring into Useless Quebec coffers for BS. Programs.

    China rented Hong Kong out to England for one hundred years.

    Maybe it's time Canada rented out Quebec to Switzerland or say, Germany for one hundred years. Besides, we could use the rent money. Pars


      Rent Quebec out to China, they will not put up with their b/s.


        We'd have Arizona II, wouldn't we? Pars


          Sounds a bit like premature JackLayton.


            You guys think too small. We could surely trade it for some small Caribbean island, maybe Barbados.


              Dalek, I like that Idea!!


                Jack layton is so stupid he does not know BSE from SARS...Why would any body what to listen to him.


                  Its just not Jack's time yet. Wait another 50 years and when we are owned the by the Chinese we will be crying for him to come out of retirement so we can have more labor laws, which will be OK then because the liberal, ndp, block will have already killed our country enough, because we cannot pay for shit. I just hope the Chinese don't discover our quite fishing country here,


                    LOl missed a few posts there, left the computor on this post I guess. I like the one about premature ejackulaten.


                      Socialism works until you run out of other peoples money to finance it.

                      Alberta and Saskatchewan keep sending $billions, and Quebec keeps electing socialists.
                      Nice arrangement....for Quebec.


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