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It might happen it might not ,but.......

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    It might happen it might not ,but.......

    Just thought I'd cheer you up or not.


    o my *** god


      I was somewhat optimistic up until I did some cultivating this afternoon. There is not a chance we will be seeding another acre of Canola if we get any amount of rain on Thursday. If we get the rest of the barley in next week and chemfallow the rest we will be lucky. We should end up 2/3 done which is avg for the area, some guys done, others just got done fertilizing with nothing seeded. We are royally fcked if this forcast is at all accurate.


        Was digging some v ditches and wondering what the hell I was doing, on the way home noticed another neighbour harrowing with a big tractor and another one trying to scratch with a cultivator, the one harrowing was doing a lot of spinning out with the new tractor and sorta looked like the guy pulling the cult was lost didn't know which way to turn.


          I know when it is too wet, go watch your kid play ball, mow the grass, or take a roed trip. You cant speed up mother nature.


            Lower chances of precip in the latest models, things might be stabilizing.
            I'm sure we'll be looking for moisture again at some point in this growing season, we just have to deal with the weather its part of the business. At times it seems unfair and unbearable but it is a reality we all must face as part of our being in this occupation. Mitigate risks however you can either geographically or mechaically but at the end of the day nature can be kind or she can be a b&^ch.


              We have one quarter, fertilized last fall, cultivated last week, that I will harrow and seed today. The rest are a 100 potholes, slimy on top and I will cultivate again. The jet stream is moving north, I wonder why there is still rain possible? I wish the forecasts were more educational, or I should take a meteorologist course.


                That is an interesting site.

                How many weather models are out there?


                  It will, Murphy's Law.



                    the thing with the site I have posted a couple times is to watch for constants , If the site remains constant for more than a couple days it's very accurrate. I have been watching this site for a number of years and I think it is among the most accurate in terms of moisture. Especially in the 5 day period. 10 day is up and down but it does show indications if something is potentially going to occur.

                    Based on what I see today the north eastern grain area of Sask and south man is again in for a wet few days.


                      There are so many excellent weather webpages.

                      So why the hell are Western farmers paying CB staff to chart weather ?



                        That should be CWB staff.

                        Fire them.


                          I used to think the CWB weather was accuate,.Since they changed things they are so out to lunch on predicting weather I never look at it anymore.


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