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Weather things Ive Witnessed!

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    Weather things Ive Witnessed!

    Well lets list the weather changes that one has witnessed in their life. Since yesterday we were arguing how farming has not been fun because of weather.
    1. Frost in 02 and 04 Never froze that early since recordings were taken in Canada.
    2. Wettest May in History. Just came through.
    3. 1996 Driest summer on record.
    4. Nov 2009 nicest November ever.
    5. Hail size of soft ball.
    6. Oct 2009 Wettest October.
    7. Micro Burst in SW Saskatchewan.
    So one sees most happened in Last few years so is it because Climate change or because we have lush plants growing from Alberta to Manitoba and creating its own micro environment.
    Just a thought. Add to list.

    Dad had hail twice in 40 years, we had 9 out of the last ten.
    Driest years on our record - 01-02


      Daytime temperatures near 20 with chance of frost at night could drive a guy to drink.


        What do you mean "could".


          Will, Do, Should, Definitely, Better, Has, Hopefully, ...


            It all started the year I got married.

            1999 frost on july 26th. Peas devastated other crops hurt bad.

            2000 Hail
            2001 Hail

            2002 frost crap quality grain

            2003 Excellent crop, Sort of dry year

            2004 frost August 19th 50 bushel canola turned to zero overnight
            Same with flax. Harvested 42 pound wheat.
            2006 too wet to seed
            2007 too wet to seed
            2008 pretty good
            2009 we all know
            2010 too wet to seed

            Dry year? Have not seen one, but am patiently waiting.

            When I was a kid, used to ride combine in August. Haven't combined in August since 1995.

            When I was a kid, we used to get hot summer weather, which pushed things along. Haven't seen hot summer weather since 2003, my best crop ever.

            As I look back on this, I amaze myself that I'm even here still. I also marvel at the guy from Kamsack whose tractor I looked at. He mentioned he had had 10 GOOD years in a row. A guy from Biggar said he just had his 7th. I actually haven't had back to back good years, and I'm in my 18th year of this game.

            There is a reason that our land is probably the cheapest to buy:to the best productive potential on earth ratio.

            Excellent land, never dry, but a crappy string of a decade, which keeps land values at generally 500 an acre or less.

            Perhaps OUR decade of back to backers will start next year, cuz guys, I still cannot seed. Starting to sprinkle out there now, still water running across fields.

            Gotta go buy a cultivator. Perhaps I'll meet some more farmers who have had actual back to back good years.

            I just hope they can wait for their money for a while while crop insurance adjusts the millions of unseeded acres, cuz until then, I won't have much cash flow. And I won't for another 18 months at this rate.


              Does your wife know you're blaming it on marrying her freewheat? ;-) If you'da just shacked up you'd be raking it in by now.


                -Spring 1968 were in the field, picking rocks, March 16. Seeded early but the fall was crap. Rained all Sept on the swaths. Wheat was all damp feed, lots rotted. First dryers in area.
                -1974 a lot like this sh*t year, rained, late seeded, froze in Sept, late harvest.
                -1979 froze Aug 12, sample 10bu. canola
                -1980 very dry poor germ,first rain in July to germ the rest. Harvest till Nov
                -1984 nearly perfect year here, great crop, finished harvest in Aug, all dry #1, we like to remember this year.
                -1988 just dry all year, 15bu wheat
                -1991 another great year 60bu wheat, but under $2 for #1
                -1994 froze canola, late harvest
                -1999 very good crop, 100bu barley
                -2002 very dry again, 15bu barley
                -2001 early canola touched by frost on July 17 later seeded escaped damage
                -2004 frost on Aug 4 & 19, hell of a mess
                -2007 in a small area the same flood as this year, poor crops, no frost
                I probably missed some...

                I say weather challenges have happened forever, and extremes like this year will keep occurring. It's always changing but NOT warming!


                  Had a six and half incher one time. My rain guage fell over and when I picked it up it still had 3 inches in it. After that one there were complete canola swathed washed away not sure where some of them went sorta dissapeared. Straigh cut the barley making big ruts with the combine driving straight through everything making sure not get water into the header, fast learning curve. The next spring we were considered a disaster area and the RM had 170 places the water ran over the roads.
                  This spring we just hit 10 inches with this last inch yesterday.


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