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Marketing Reps.

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    Marketing Reps.

    Yesterday was one weird day. Viagra first then Cargill then private then finished with Pioneer. Either they all phoned or drove out to where I was seeding. All offered some BS program where they had a bonus for Canola Oats Barley if I delivered by Friday morning. What the hell don't they see were seeding every single guy from Large to Small is going. Oh yea the neighbor with two quarters is done, sorry not all were going. Even had one rep get nasty when I told them their Grain Merchant should get out of the office and see what the hell is going on. Flooded canola ground doesn't come back. And if it rains today area gets bigger. Hm look at radar its coming again. But these reps are the ones who relate the news back up stairs. Most don't get it. That's farmers and reps. There working for company not you and are their for one purpose to get grain out of your hands. You control it till they get it. When you tell them your done your canola that's nice but why not tell them about all the acres that water is running through and flooded out instead. Oh it doesn't sound as good as were done our seeding canola.

    The thing that really gets me is that they are out there trying to increase deliveries by effing with the basis instead of hitting the pit and actualy bidding. I understand that basis levels are how companies encourage delivery but when supply gets short like I've been lead to believe it's time to start bidding boys. I ripped Cargill for this the other day but as usual I'm sure it went in one ear and out the other.


      I'm hoping most guys lock the bins until the companies get serious. For me, that's canola with a 9 in front. And yes, basis is fine but the weather in W. Canada is such that canola will hopefully start going its own way from the greater veg oil/bean market.


        Could be worse NOBODY could want your grain!


          It's that attitude that they leverage against us. These guys make money handling our grain...no grain = no money. There's no need to be grateful for these companies.


            what's the difference between narrowing up the basis and "hitting the pit and actually bidding"?


              The difference is that I would be closer to breaking even on my July call option which I purchased when AB was dry. Other than that....nothing!


                Marketing reps = moron.

                They text stuf like - " too wet to seed, haul grain. Book your deliveries now"

                Farmer trying to seed but is too wet = Its probably too wet to haul grain = no trucks or augers available to haul grain.

                I am not sure why they can't figure this out.


                  production of ****seed is down worldwide exept canada they said. There's a shortfall of production in Europe. looked at www.agrimoney.com/news/****seed-crop-to-fall-with-major-implications--1783html


                    Only in this industry are the people buying our products viewed as the enemy..... Hummmm... Key marketing strategy I adopted long ago was making my buyers my friends. Picture yourself on a Street Market in India trying to sell a few Bags of Chickpeas you harvested by hand the day before. Would you want buyers to stop and talk to you, or would you view them as annoyances? So any marketing Reps if your reading this if you want to come visit your more than welcome. If I'm busy though I might politly have to say so and ask you to come back another day.




                        Wierd wierd wierd day on quad with kids watching three storms roll through.


                          Bidding is out in the open, it's a true reflection of supply and demmand. Basis levels are more concealed and therefore generally do not trigger a "if they are willing to pay that maybe we should" response from the market. Aslo open market bidding generaly works it's way through all the futures month so they can't just steal our grain now fill up and pay even less for new crop. At least Nov was up $5 and change today.


                            Buy our seed and get a special basis... Deliver some canola now and get a special basis later... haha i got a better idea how about you *uck yourself instead of trying to f(&k me all the time.

                            I have totally boycotted all these types of deals.


                              Yes "Package Deals" are ussually a bad deals.


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