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Revision - If you were done seeding today and lost 10% due to flooding?

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    Revision - If you were done seeding today and lost 10% due to flooding?

    Change from Previous Thread after the Monsoons went through Weyburn this afternoon, We are officially done seeding and have damage on 10% of the seeded area. Better go Stock up on Glyfosate. Looks like spring Runnoff out there. Lots of guys 50% - 75% Its going to be a long year if we don't see some sort of Weather Miracle!

    Already there, good thing I'm not paying $65/ac for land. Fixed costs will determine the winners from the losers this year.


      Lost 10% on seeded, another 10% on reduced yield, No canola seeded. CWB says 30% in NE will go unseeded. If it's NOT HOT DRY and WINDY for next 10 days, try 70%. The ground water is above ground here. Even if seeded the crop will be CRAP with such wet conditions, been there done that! Plus read how much T storm flooding is taking more acres away, else where than the NE, from Manitoba to Alberta. This is not over yet. Larry says if a high parks over the Midwest we will get rain for weeks on end. From what I hear, the Peace area might shine this year after drought last year.


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