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Oil Slick in the Gulf. Could this be a moment in History that changes our veiw of Energy?

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    Oil Slick in the Gulf. Could this be a moment in History that changes our veiw of Energy?

    I'm left wondering if it is true that this Oil Slick could line Florida's Coast within a week and move up the Atlantic Coast and even reach Europe By Fall. How this Cannot make the World look at Oil in a different way... Could this be what nudges us towards a energy revolution? What is the potential for Agriculture? If BP fails to cap this leak soon, will this be a defining moment in history?

    It's the Chernobyl for the oil industry. That does not in
    the long term play well for our Prairie and BC
    economies since hydrocarbon industries play such an
    important role in our economies. You bet it will spur
    alternative solutions and tax payers will foot the bill.
    Probably another trillion or two of debt for the US...


      Really important questions and timely.

      BASF, for example, has positioned itself, ironically, to become the environmental agricultural saviour of the world, supplying patented designer crops (drought resistant etc.)with monopoly patents, and new patented energy technology (check out their battery innovations etc). They will work hard to destroy oil energy, imho, because the countless billions they recieve in worldwide grants are being used to develop their alternative inventions to subsitute for oil energy.

      They will call it "sustainable" because that is the descriptve word that makes a ripoff saleable.

      Western Canada will suffer greatly because we now have lots of available coal and oil that is in production, but we'll prob have to pay a worldwide energy tax for development of new power. Maurice Strong will profit. And so will Al Gore. And Obama and Hillary.

      The ponzi scheme Sustainability groupies

      I'm positive, aren't I? Pars


        But pars, BASF produces non-gmo canola that is good for you.


          Hummm. Maybe I should just call Ritchie Bros and Lane Realty tommorow sell and take the few morsels I have left buy a fishing boat down in Mexico ON THE WEST COAST! (should have one good tourist season before oil hits there) and take tourists fishing for $1000 a day. I wonder if property values in Puerto Vallarta have started rising yet?


            The problem is that engineers are in charge now...if farmers were in charge of this problem it would be fixed by now. But the reality of the situation is that oil is food for a lot of microorganism and most of the damage is cosmetic and this will be a non-issue in a year. Oil has been dropping during most of this, two years ago oil would have been at $225/barrel by now.


              the price of oil will not change due to one well, maybe one refinery, but not one well. The use of oil will not end anytime soon, we can't grow enough grain to replace oil, nor is there enough available land to put up enough bird killing wind farms. Nuclear might help, but that will take decades.

              What will happen is that it will become manditory to drill the releif well at the same time, and maybe changes to the BOP, so that if the casing falls over and the pipe bends, something can more easily be done with it.

              What no one is talking about is the tremendous amount of oil out there(off shore) that would reduce the need for foriegn oil and lower prices.

              maybe Obama's ban on off shore drilling will cause more work to be done here in Sask.

              SF3, ever hear what came of that oil well drilled about ten miles SE from Regina, a couple miles south of #33 highway? It was drilled about a year ago I think?


                On the news here they gave the numbers for
                the oil leaked into the gulf worst and
                best guesses. Sounded massive. Then said
                the biggest number would be just three
                hours use for US.
                There have also been much bigger leaks
                which hardly made the headlines one off
                Nigeria was much bigger.


                  The only thing this is is a good opportunity to buy bp stock

                  It is logistically techbically impossible for anything to replace oil


                    I'm not sure about that cotton, Obama might end up owning BP before this thing is over. Who ever thought the gov't would take-over car co.'s and banks.


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