Do farmers deserve a payment if they cannot seed? If so which farms should qualify and what variables should be taken into account? Area seeding %? If you are in a declaired a disaster area? What should the unseeded acres percentage cutoff be? Or do they deserve any help at all? If 75% of farms went bankrupt in a 1/3 of Saskatchewan, Manitoba,or Alberta would anyone care? Which Gov. Fed. or Prov. should pay? How much $ would be enough to help? Very real questions with no answers.
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Payment on Non seeded Acres?
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I have phoned scic, my mp david anderson's office in swift current, and provincial mla and sask ag.
They are waiting. Doing nothing.
My thinking is that when they found money for the auto sector that run their business to near bankruptcy due to mismanagement then I believe the government at all levels can find money for farmers that, through no fault of their own, can be given a package to see another year of farming.
Anyone the governments give money to can do their job year round - rain, sun, wind or snow. As farmers we get a month and a half to do our job of seeding and after that its a crap shoot.
Crop Insurance is subsidized.
Agri-Stability is a subsidy
CWB Government Guarantees are a Subsidy
Disaster Payments are Subsidies
Farm Gas Rebates
Farm Truck Plates Subsidized?
Farm Debt Review Board Subsidies
Capital Gains Allownace
....and you want what? Pars
Let's see parsley
The auto sector had governments build plants for them.
The auto sector had special deals written into the free trade deal for them.
The auto sector has been subsidized for years.
I think the ag sector is due for the same bail out as the auto sector.
The results would be far worse if you left every farmer who is having trouble getting their crop in go broke.
Much like if the govermnent would have let gm and chrysler fail. Where would the Canadian economy be now?
I think there has been a precendent set and, whether good or bad, makes a strong argument for a bail out for the ag sector.
I'm one hundred percent positive the purchasing power of a bushel of wheat has been illegally manipulated downward
So farmers don't need to feel guilty about being just another pig at the trough
I question all these subsidies. I am not a big farmer. In the
past three years I have paid over $30000 to crop insurance. If I do
not get it in the grow before their deadline. They don't have to pay
As for Agristabitity, between Government and accountant the bill
is about $4000. If I am reading correctly, If I seed 35% I will get
35% of my margin.
The only change I get to recover some of this money is some other
form of payment.
Gerald, that is not correct if you are unable to seed because of too wet. If you voluntarily summerfallow in any one year you may have a structure change depending on the SF acres.
I think this is what you were asking. If not, please clarify and I will try and help.
Here's hoping your reference margin going into 2010 is above $140 an acre and you will be fine.
I don't believe there should be a payment,unless they start treating all sectors of agriculture equally.I run a mixed farm consisting of 600 cow pairs,and seed 7000 acres.I got just over 4000 acres seeded or mudded in,and 3000 acres left and not sure how soon or if i will even be able to get on to it in time to seed it.Why should my grain side of the farm be given a payment for unseeded land?The goverment has done basically nothing for the cattleman since bse was announced in 2003,they just left us on our own to sink or float!Yet we can't seed a crop for 1 year and we are expecting a payment.Try keeping a cow herd together when you are loosing money or just breaking even for 7 years with them,i can't get my crop in for 1 year and i want a payment right away.I can see a payment being made to the grain farmer if they can't seed at least 60% of there farm,but if there sitting at 60% or better and think they are going to find themselves in trouble then they are just running there numbers to close together.I only believe in crop insurance and hail insurance,i've never done any of the other programs,i find them just a waste of my time if that's how i need to run my farm.Some years my farm has made good money and i have put some money away,and other years i have had to pull the reins back and just watch how my money was spent.I do know one thing though with only 4000 acres of my farm seeded,i will be around for another year.And probably quite a few after that one to.
Farmers never change they are excellent on agreeing to disagree. As for the cattle subsidy due to bse losses, we continued to have calf crops due to the terrible downturn into the market. We also had cattle on our farm and chose to sell out in 2006 after not seeing and end in sight the the market border issue. If all cows on 1 side of the province came up empty due to somthing that fell from the sky and was totally out of your control dont you think those farmers could use some help. If those farmers could not receive any help the question comes up, why do we even have governments if they arn't there for situations like this? If this is not a disater what is?
Anthrax came from the soil not bse and it didnt make us go broke although we did have loses due to the vacinations in the middle of summer. As for you Parsley, say they were to send $25.00 per acre to all farms in Saskatchewan to make it equal for everyone, would you send yours back? Why or whynot.
Your concern is equality. Making sure things are equal. Making sure another farmer doesn't get more.
The world is unequal. So are people.
In my view of the world, I am concerned with equality of opportunity. I want the same opportunity of access as another guy. Not the same amount of money, but equal opportunity/regulation/law.
I don't want or lobby or ask the government to seize Mary's tax dollars in NB and then divy her money out to Phil the turkey farmer in Vancouver.
If you want government to expertly re-distribute wealth, you would enjoy living in China. Pars
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