Farmers never change they are excellent on agreeing to disagree. As for the cattle subsidy due to bse losses, we continued to have calf crops due to the terrible downturn into the market. We also had cattle on our farm and chose to sell out in 2006 after not seeing and end in sight the the market border issue. If all cows on 1 side of the province came up empty due to somthing that fell from the sky and was totally out of your control dont you think those farmers could use some help. If those farmers could not receive any help the question comes up, why do we even have governments if they arn't there for situations like this? If this is not a disater what is?
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Payment on Non seeded Acres?
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Anthrax came from the soil not bse and it didnt make us go broke although we did have loses due to the vacinations in the middle of summer. As for you Parsley, say they were to send $25.00 per acre to all farms in Saskatchewan to make it equal for everyone, would you send yours back? Why or whynot.
Your concern is equality. Making sure things are equal. Making sure another farmer doesn't get more.
The world is unequal. So are people.
In my view of the world, I am concerned with equality of opportunity. I want the same opportunity of access as another guy. Not the same amount of money, but equal opportunity/regulation/law.
I don't want or lobby or ask the government to seize Mary's tax dollars in NB and then divy her money out to Phil the turkey farmer in Vancouver.
If you want government to expertly re-distribute wealth, you would enjoy living in China. Pars
We can talk about Capitalize or Socialize, but we are still
the most highly subsidies industry in the world. It is always
interesting on the US boards. On minute they are complaining
about all the money going to auto industry and the next
minute they are wonder when they will get the ACRE? payment.
I heard this payment could be a high a $90/acre for soft
wheat. Over the year the most capitalize group in the world,
the US farmer, has got 100's of billions in all forms of
I have always like this difference between Capitalize and
Socialize. Capitalize is when I get money and the other
person doesn't. Socialize is when the other person
gets the government money and I don't.
As for SK99. I guess in two years I will find out whether
you are right or wrong. Just like the drought payment some
cattleman are getting this year.
Pars, That's in a pure capitalist or socialist society of which there is none. Canada is a blend of both and that will never change. Every social program we have is anti capitalist. The USA has massive socialist farm policies. China is more capitalist every day. Where is it pure capitalist and how has it been working? Farmers have "subsidized" society with low cost food forever(read socialist). Food is a absolute necessity but is NOT valued fairly till society is afraid of hunger. Farmers would rightly be paid BONUSES if we produce one cow or bushel TOO much, which prevents hunger, for any too little and some one is hungry. Instead a little too much and we are punished with lower prices.
The fact it took 5 years for the feds to come up with some money for the cattle producers is retarded at best. But if they hang the grain farmers the same way then farming as we know it, is done.
Paul Martin, John Crowe and the like will be the people investing in farming and when they finally lose their money, who do you think they will go to?
But its great to see that farmers as a whole will continue to argue about whether a paymment is needed or not because then the government can and will do nothing.
If the unions and management of the auto sector would have not worked together the canadian economy would be sunk and many people know it. That is why it was better to payout the cause than deal with the effects of a broken auto sector.
When I get back all the money that the
government has cost my farm over the years, I'll
pay back every dollar of subsidy I've ever
received.... Or they can just pay me the
Parsley I agree with you on subsidies that we cry about every little thing and am personally little tired of it. One thing you are wrong about is subsidy on liscences for example I pay 5000 dollars in plates and auto insurance per year, for basically a little over 1 person employed full time and I don't spend full time in a half ton, grain truck, etc. So we pay our fair share of insurance.
Another is the fuel road tax, we are exempted because we work in the field, same as lumber and fishing, we all claim some for personal use and pay tax on it. OK I speak for myself haha.
I am against the notion that crap we have a dissaster every fricken dam year.
We are competing against other nations subsidies which is the more real problem. After the last 10 years farming I don't get it that farmers don't prepare for a disaster. And I thought I had to wipe my last employees ass every time he took a shit,
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