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Leaf Disease in HRS Barley and Durum!

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    Leaf Disease in HRS Barley and Durum!

    Rain makes grain so just checked the crops in water where it isn't turning yellow from to much water the crop has leaf disease so will have to spray for that now. Oh tom how was your wife's crop that you watered every day since Thursday. Check fields guys.

    Last time it was this wet we sprayed for disease twice and it still was terrible. The yield was cut in half.


      nothin like spending extra money on $4.00/wht, $2 if feed!


        Is it worth spraying 1/2 rate with your chemical at 3 or 4 leaf? What about waiting until flag?


          i must be way behind,just finished seeding my durum today,back to canola next then flax and 1 field of wheat,then canola again


            Drew Learner says it all freezes in August anyway.


              I know that's why a drought is way easier than flooding. For us you keep giving it stuff right up till the night it dies. Kind of like a Heroin addict.


                I would spray it with your in crop weed and at flag and hope for no frost because it will mature 2 weeks later.


                  With 50% only seeded and no hope of makeing a profit from this crop I am questioning whether or not I should spend more money on this crop? The last time it was very wet (not this wet) I gave it all. It was a poor yeilding crop and low quality. It was also my most expensive crop. Custom spraying,chemicals,drying,fighting in mud burnt more feul and caused more breakdowns. In the end it was my worst year.
                  Seen one guy last night spraying his sickly looking crops with a plane. He also haves a new high clearance sprayer sitting in his yard to pay for.


                    For years now we have been spraying 1/2 strength tilt with herbicide on all our cereals and it really pays off. The crop stays mostly clean and green avoiding blotched and diseased leaves. We have used stratego as well but it tends to gum up nozzles a bit, if you can flush your booms once in a while then no problem. We spray folicur at 3/4 rate at full flag and have great control. We won't change because we haven't been discounted for disease at harvest. Finished spraying cereals this morning, the rain has made it difficult. Some of the wheat is getting tall, we are packing a fair bit as well as ruts in spots.


                      Barleyman..I agree tilt realy pays off. But when your crop is already yellow I think the stage been set for the year. Any experiance with this?


                        Im afraid you guys are going to be fighting a battle that you will never win.


                          May-be Yes we have experience with this. Just about any fungicide applied at spraying time will "hold" the crop from going backward at least it won't get worse. If you are really yellow you will likely suffer some yield loss. When the sun comes out though, your cereal crop will be far better off than a crop that wasn't given a half strength treatment, and it will recover a lot faster. Always spray tilt etc. on your cereal with herbicide, always, it pays ten fold.


                            I used to beleive that until last year when alot of people put tilt in with their lorsban...by far it made a bigger difference then any other timing I've seen.


                              great thread
                              don;t do a lot of fungicide, except tilt in barley, but this year it may be in order.
                              when you do it with your weed spray'
                              is there any reduction in control?
                              wild oats or broad leaf?
                              Breadwinner , you said it would delay
                              maturity 2 weeks, unless the sun shines I
                              don't know if I can afford 2 weeks.

                              would one shot be worth it with less delay?


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