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    Checking that was on a 90000 assessed quarter. Man you don't get it this started last fall and no it was the esso guy driving his floaters. Buddy its really wet .


      I heard trucks are getting stuck in RM roads in Foam Lake area. Regarding Winter Wheat, does Crop insurance require it be seeded in standing Canola stubble? I'd rather DEEP till any fallow to break up hardpan, so no WW?


        I went to the lake because I gave up on planting 61 percent and will not do any more. Colverts many running full blast yet and completely saturated ground will not dry to plant anymore, better to leave fallow and drain the water what we can, for next year. So far no yellowing on slopes but it may only be a day away. Some are playing with airplane planting, but fertilizer will still need to be put on and floaters are way behind some big messes being made with sprayers, some farmers may be fooling themselves trying to plant yet and still getting a crop around here. Already planted fields still looking ok but like I said we may only be one day from it turning yellow.


          Pardon my ignorance on it but floating on granular
          fertlizer works?Without any tillage after?


            No tillage needed but the Floaters having a hard time in the fields here sinking and cannot steer.



              IT WILL JUST WASH AWAY!

              Why would anyone do that?


                You have a point there, with the saturated ground here the fert. will wash away and not go into the ground.


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