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Waters positive effects.

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    Waters positive effects.

    1. Didn't water the garden or grass yet in 2010 so water bill is lower.
    2. Always wanted to use the boat on slough (lake by farm).
    3. Late for appointments because the fairy at fort Qu'appelle isn't operating. (wife missed shopping trip)
    4. Got to buy a new pair of rubber boots.
    5. Now have a tow rope for 600hp tractors.
    6. Can fish in creek by farm since its running continuous since spring melt.
    7.Visit with neighbors since most have time on their hands.
    8. Lots of time for beer since their are beer clouds around most days.
    9. Changed oil and fixed most things on farm that put off for rainy day.
    10. Have finally lake front property even if you live miles from valley.

    Green and wet much better than brown and dry


      Any where to see pictures of what is going on over there? We are now getting very wet here east of Calgary and spraying will now be interesting for us also. Have not sprayed anything yet, but there are water holes where we seeded through earlier.


        Dog patch you don't get it. I love rain but guess what a inch or more every second day sooner or later starts to cause problems even for cattle guys. How will haying season be when you cut on a sunny day then next day it rains 3 inches then sunny then rain then sunny then rain. oh you have no hay.


          See I told you the lake is coming to you this year, yes it is wet in our neck of the woods but the cows are standing in belly deep grass and the crops though now well watered and maybe leaching N are looking better than last year. and yes spraying may be half tank high speed. And haying will be in 3 weeks when its 30 or not.Well deal with that when we get there.


            Dog Patch, What about wet and brown? Thats what we have here. No green. Too wet.


              Wet can be tough. We still deep till our cereal ground in the fall. In the spring if its really wet we can run across with a vibra shank cultivator to try and dry things out. There are always exceptions and maybe this year is one of those for some of you. Down here most of the problem is on zero till fields that can't dry out. I definately don't want drought we've had that before and i promise you its worse. Too wet and too dry mean no crop or very little. But eventually you can work your fields and get them opened up and ready for next year. In a drought you can't work anything or it will blow away, and you still need moisture for anything to grow. Best advice, quit trying to farm with harrows and a sprayer, work your ground and give yourself a chance for next years crop.


                Where are you located barleyman?


                  Obviously not in west central SK. Working the land is the last thing one should be doing! I would rather take the wrath of a record wet year without tillage than to till in an area where 5 out of 10 is dry.


                    Reality fields SMF chemfalow or spring worked like the old bachelors farm by us. Yea we finished they didn't start yet. Hm barleyman you also don't get it.


                      Why the hell do you even want to own a cultivator? My long term direct seeded stuff has far less water sitting on it than the conventionaly famred rented land. Healthy soil deals with moisture better, and tilled soil is not healthy soil. At least that hard pan is keeping me from getting stuck with the sprayer.


                        really wet this year, gonna be really dry the next. we
                        don't farm to make money, it's just what we do.


                          I don't understand why some people still can't comprehend the fact that no till actually INCREASES your internal soil drainage.We are in a very wet area (this type of year is nothing new) and all of our land is very heavy clay.We started no tilling to get the water going down instead of sitting on top.In a year like this though too much rain is just too much rain no matter what system you use.I can say though that the no till fields have less standing water on them and I can walk on them without sinking to my ankles.


                            NOT here. No till were slimy snot and f'all were workable this spring. Fall tilled were workable for about 10 days. No till harrowed were smooth and hard so every rain has been running off into lower areas, equal huge sloughs. The hardpan makes water sit for weeks. Need to subsoil to get water to infiltrate. Every soil is different. This is record rain over last 125 years, equal to freak ice storm, tsunami, or earthquake. Not much is going to work. What if it rains all summer and fall plus record snow?


                              Wanted: Twin boats for extra large twin boys. Pars


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