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    Spray now! Don't *** around, cutworms only come out at night. Do not waste your time looking for the worms they are obviously there and will be for up to ten more days feeding heavily. Within a day or two you may have nothing left - it is happening here. Certain fields are getting hit bad and the one accross the road if fine. Depends on what fields the moths laid there eggs in April. Seems to be pea/len stb or smf in this area at this point.


      pars we mostly graze alfalfa and meadow brome but the northern vetch really invades. As time goes by we have more species in our stand.it's nice to see the western wheatgrass establishing. we don't have much trouble with bloat or alfalfa weevil so don't see the need to add another species with the seed. it's only a weed if a cow won't eat it.


        70% seeded and how much lost due to excessive moisture.

        Would 10% be a fair estimate across the three provinces. After watching the farms news today - that would be pretty generous considering what has been seen through manitoba.

        So lets say what is still left to grow is 60% and normal yields. Production of 60% of the ten year average gives us what?

        Would it be lower production than the year prices went through the roof?

        Take flax, how much is seeded and how much of the new crop production will be available for sale? Old crop has disappeared better than the previous year so buyers looking at the stats for flax ought to be in a buying mood because it would be quite a bargain at 8.50.

        Any comments?


          We sprayed last tues and wed during the day with excellent kill. After 6p.m. is recomended if the weather alows it.


            Would be good to know what has been seeded in the 60-70%. The areas that have less than 50% seeded what actualy is in the ground?, that to me is the important question. Crop Ins will know exaclty at the dealines.


              Furrow, Guys here seed wheat or peas first generally. I would assume most of the 10-15% seeded here is wheat or peas.


                Lots of cutworms, and found they were out really early. Wireworms will be worse. Never saw so many eggs, ever. But they are not hatched yet. Soon.

                Jen, Cattle.incl dairy cows are wild about the taste of sainfoin. Pars


                  Saskfarmer every 10 miles you drive down the road the farm land is different. How the hell can we all come to agree on everything? And you would not have gotten done farming around my place. No one is done here. How many times you said you would never get into the field for 5 days and then the next day your planting again. You have a lot of hot air sometimes.


                    Any thing mudded in with this much water on top, is saturated, water logged, rotting or will crust over and not emerge. All oxygen is out of the soil. I had some areas like that before last 2". The humidity will be off the scale for weeks, great for all fungi and T-storms. Half of the N is leached or denitrified (if that's a word), two strikes already. If it keeps raining before drying out for weeks, crop will be screwed. Ya, take a break, don't spray or sell for a few weeks, keep your sanity. Beg for assistance (this one in 125 year event across 3 provinces)to farm next year, or quit.


                      Im from Southern Alberta, and things dont look good here. This is an area where we never seed in June and most are usually done mid May.

                      I cant give accurate percentage of seeded acres, but I can say that there is a lot left to go in certain areas, and it is very wet. Guys are mucking it in, works on the sandier land but the clay looks terrible.

                      As for the crops that are up, there are fields all over that have 40 acres bare patches where it stayed wet too long. Others havent emerged and I fear they will be worse. Our land drains very well but Im still seeing huge areas where nothing emerged. One guy here reseeded 15000 acres and he thinks its done again.

                      Calling for mid twenties next week, just in time to crust everthing over.
                      What a year


                        Hopper it is a general comment of whats happening some days we had 1 inch in Regina farm had 1/4 or less. Isn't it really really wet in Sask that's what I was saying all along its just getting worse yet some of you tell me its just perfect. Great I guess I was wrong and all the province got seeded Oh well. God the province is at 70% Hm I guess its just perfect out their. I'm full of hot air GREAT just GREAT.


                          Sask is at 70% completed its just been released.


                            Is there an acreage breakdown, as far as what percentage of each crop is in? I think for that we will have to wait for Crop Ins deadlines.


                              Years ago my father made a comment to me that still sticks to this day and it was
                              " Son the bad thing about farming is the reality is that for you to have an above average year and make some good money somewhere someone else will likely be having a bad year and making very little or losing money they may be across the world or around the corner but is a reality of the industry "

                              These words come back to me in years like this.


                                If Sask Ag is right at 70% seeded then have to figure that about 9-10 million acres aren't in as of last Monday. Figure hardly anyone turned a wheel this week and it's a long shot that 2 of the 10 make it in the ground. How do you want to split that up - 3 wheat /1 durum / 2 canola /1 barley / 1 oats.

                                Figure alberta and manitoba is mostly in though there's the question of what's in and under water but that can wait until another day.

                                CWB out tomorrow with crop report - over/under's at 10 million unseeded??


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