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Break down of 10,000,000 Acreage not seeded!

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    Break down of 10,000,000 Acreage not seeded!

    Canola 5
    hrs 1
    durum 2
    Flax peas oats barley 2
    That's where I figure they are judging by area that is not seeded. South put in everything but durum will seed last or drop acreage.
    North seeds canola later because of spring frosts that's why so high.
    My guess where are rest.

    I will be surprised if the canola acres are anywhere near 5 million unseeded. I think canola is where most farmers foscused on and the easiest to seed in most situations. Not sure where avg yields will be or if all the canola acres make it.


      Reason is look at traditional Canola country in Sask. These are older wiser growers who seed second week of May or later because of spring frosts if to early. So really wet since that time period. Second Bayer seed dude at farm Wednesday and seed is pouring back in (Canola) Just my thoughts.


        Also in AB canola is mostly seeded. Not sure about Manitoba but sounds like they were mostly seeded before all the rain. Can there be 5 million acres left to seed yet in Saskatchewan?


          I would be surprised if this number is high enough. Of the east side, that which is seeded is not generally cereal stubble, but canola stubble with the open canopy which allowed first movement into the fields. Flax stubble as well. This tells me not much canola. As well, like SF3 says, guys here sure don't usually seed canola first, and with the two or three potential seeding days or less that most guys had, it would be wheat, peas, for the most part.


            3 mil canola IMO. Seeding went full tilt here from the 6th to the 21st - fairly big area. Also the last week or two canola/barley was the only thing goin inbetwwen rains. Very few even cared if all their wht went in the ground.


              Saskatchewan has I think, 30 million acres, of which 30 plus per cent is not seeded for a total of 9-10 000 000. I would think a large portion of this could indeed have been planned for canola. Many guys here seed it last, july heat/low humidity doesn't happen here much.

              These are the HIGH producing canola regions too, with rain and less heat, more experience growing the crop too, than the normally droughty west side, and south regions where average yields are a fair bit lower...


                Seeding here happened for three or four days, ) to 2 if you were unfortunate enough to use anhydrous during seeding. Just saying that we all think we live in big areas, but from regina to carrot river there are serious acres not touched, some half done, some not touched, but no area is close to done in that region.


                  Like I said until crop ins gets their planted acreage report next week it will like throwing a dart at a dart board. I will stick by my 3 mill canola, but 90% of that will be in Eastern Sask.


                    Sask has about 50 million acres or half the arable cultivated land in Canada.


                      There are going to be unseeded acres in SE AB this year. This will reduce some wheat and barley acres. More canola around here than ever before.


                        in my drive unity - battleford, area .
                        mostly done but there is 2-3% not done for sure.without getting off highway.
                        could be as high as 5- 7 %. of that
                        maybe 40% would have been canola


                          Took a drive to Brandon yesterday and OMG what a mess. Unless heat comes immediatly there will be no bumper crop,no average crop, no production from low spots or runs. The hills are even yellow. Peas are the weirdest colour of yellow. You sure can tell who has not sprayed because of the ruts.June 10 and you cannot even row the canola.Winter wheat looks good,but very very few fields went in last fall.At best canola will be 2/3 to half the yeild of last year.


                            Whats everyones opinion on flax?I said to hell with
                            most of my lentils and jacked flax acres to 28%.


                              Our area has a few acres but not as much as most years.


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