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Price of UAN

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    Price of UAN

    what price per litre or tonne is your liquid N.
    I think your 32:0:0 is the same as our liquid N.

    28-0-0 is about $275/MT give or take that was kind of an in season price may be backing off from there already not sure. How about down under?


      were 66 cents a litre will find out onne price.
      Thin thats around $500 aussie per tonne


        554 per tonne
        66 centres per litre


          I paid $295/tonne for 28-0-0 this spring.

          I figure that works to to $385Aus. Dollars/tonnes of 32-0-0 using today's exchange rates.

          Your price sucks. What kind of competition do you have in your fertilizer market? Where is it imported from? I think ocean freight is relatively cheap right now. It shouldn't cost too much to import from Saudi, or Russia, should it?


            The price of UAN in Viper works out to $2100/tn - we just used our own from the bulk tank.


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