Given the large unseeded agreage will there be a huge shift into winter wheat this summer?
Been throwing the idea around if it dries out.
Are there any other winter crops a farmer could try?
Take the 50 unseeded benefit,chemfallow till mid august and seed stubble to WW.
It would be nice to have a lighter load for the spring of 2011.
It would also be nice to get a reasonable contract for it since wheat prices are now set to rebound given the report from the cwb this morning.
Been throwing the idea around if it dries out.
Are there any other winter crops a farmer could try?
Take the 50 unseeded benefit,chemfallow till mid august and seed stubble to WW.
It would be nice to have a lighter load for the spring of 2011.
It would also be nice to get a reasonable contract for it since wheat prices are now set to rebound given the report from the cwb this morning.