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boating licence

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    boating licence

    the new req'ts for a boating licence proves a
    governmental foresight for income that I never
    appreciated, as I sit here watching new lakes form.

    There is definetly some excellent kayaking to be had today. Had 3" of rain in about an hour yesterday afternoon. There are roads washing out and lakes on hill-tops.


      Jay-mo what area are you from? Was that a T-Storm, any hail? 1.4" Wadena north. No T-storms.


        I'm in the Killarney area. We had 3/4" Thursday morning and then 3" via thunderstorm in an hour that afternoon. A little bit of hail came with it, but it was really small.

        Prior to this rain, what had not been drowned out was looking pretty good again. I don't know if alot more will be lost, however, spraying will continue to be a muddy mess.


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