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Climate change= more variable weather

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    Climate change= more variable weather

    Climate change means more variability in weather patterns. From extremely Dry to Extremely wet. Not only very hot weather but the opposite as well.
    There are too many people out there thinking "well we had a cold two weeks in November, so I don't believe in the global warming theory". Believe It.

    The climate change scientists have told us told us Years ago about extreme weather patterns. But most politicians and people think they know better.

    I agree with you Mustardman.

    I also wonder if the volcano in Iceland has anything to do with the weather?


      All the experts said it didn't. Not enough ash ejected into the upper atmosphere. It needed to get up 30 miles to impact global weather and only managed 8 miles.


        Yes the volcanic ash could change the seasonal temps, remember Mt. Pinatubo in 1992 ? (think that was the year) anyways it gave up a very cool growing season and earlier frost. I talked to fellow up on that and he said it depended on the type of ash that was emitted and the Icelandic volcano spewed a different type than Pinatubo.

        How are your lentils faring?
        I'm wishing I would have put in more Peas and way less lentils. Headline sales are going to be way up.


          Our lentils are looking pretty good overall. I have a small plot of IBC-289 red lentils that is on a high spot that had some water sitting on it yesterday. I hope it runs off or soaks up as I paid $750 bu for the seed. It is only 1 acre but I hope they pull through as they were looking really good before the last rain.

          Not much we could do on the farm for a few days so were taking a tour around.

          Drove up to Stettler area last night and then into Drumheller last night.

          The crops look late but pretty good overall so far. We are heading west of Calgary to the Brag creek area then down to Lethbridge today. We will get to see quite a bit of farmland along the drive.


            The GODS ARE ANGRY that is why we are having these extreme weather events. It is time to sacrifice an economy...no I mean a virgin, on the alter to appease the great greenpea....er I mean Kukulcan.

            Gees how far have we really come????


              My Point is that we have scientists with PHd's coming out the ying yang telling us that their is global climate change happening with a Huge influence from Co2, we've emitted and on the Other side of the debate is Mr. Potato Head.
              Who do you think we should believe?


                The Mayans had there best minds working on the weather problem too.

                The more things change, the more they stay the same.


                  I think they would be siding with Mr Potato Head


                    mustardman, I was with you on climate change right up to the point you mentioned CO2, and began inferring that man has something to do with it.
                    Currently there are more scientists in the world that doubt the causes of climate change have anything to do with man and our adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Many have brought forward that there hasn't been warming for 10 yrs.
                    The leaked emails from East Anglia clearly show how the science was manipulated by Phil Jones and co. for political and ideological reasons, and OH YEA, THEY DID IT FOR GRANTS OF MONEY AND AWARDS THEY RECIEVED FROM THOSE THAT AGREED WITH THEM!
                    This inner circle of so called scientists would not allow others that opposed their views to be published in the scientific journals, nor would they release their own data for scientists around the would to attempt to dublicate the results! A FOUNDATION OF SCIENCE! The MSMedia was convinced the science was settled because opposing views were never heard.
                    AGW is a complete fraud! Don't be so gullible, do your own research.
                    here's a start,


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