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What Should You Do With Your Unseeded Acres in 2010 - Rob Saik, AgriTrend
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I like the idea of planting peas, we have some low quality here yet that would be good for that purpose, however, I don't like the idea of spending money on inoculating them, and spraying them, neither are cheap operations.
Would peas as green feed have value?
Seed $15.00/acre
inoculant $5.00/acre
spray $22.00/acre
this is allot of money for how much Nitrogen it sets. You still have to work it in, in the fall. Peas also make the ground really soft and mellow,not good when your wanting it to be dry and hard. pea ground was wetter than anything else this spring. Sure glad I dont pay for Agritrends advice.
The only way the pea plan would work is if you seed them, burn off before they emerge, then hopefully they stay fairly clean while they grow and store N, and them kill them before the weeds set seed. Oddyssy is a useless chemical at best and you don't want the residues around for next year. I don't wast money on Agri Trend advice either.
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