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To make you feel better

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    To make you feel better

    All you guys that are flooded out, at least you can feel better knowing that Lyle Vanclief is going into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame

    (hold on, give me a 10 count to duck before you throw things)

    Looking back and comparing it to today, he probably got more money to farmers and quicker than the conservatives that I have been voting for my entire life.

    He had a tough ride as ag minister but put him in those shoes today and he would probably respond quicker than the dumb-asses we have on the file now.

    The acreage reports are all in today, and with people working a weekend the governments should know early next week how bad it really is.

    I would say overall, harvestable acres down 50% from last year. Key word - harvestable.

    Going through dry sloughs and potholes this fall to save time doesn't count as being harvested.

    Overall the programs he brought in are no different than the ones today. The conservatives have just sugar coated them a bit but they have taken western canadian farmers for granted, at least vanclief tried to do some good.


      Make that ". . . Canadian farmers for granted . . ." and your post will be accurate.





          i am impressed at your stance about Lyle. very generous of you . wasn't he the one that said to farmers in Kindersly when he saw a decent summer fallow crop in a terrible drought . that the farmers there should really consider more SMF when bad a drought was coming.


            Canada has an Agricultural Hall of Fame??????????????????????? If so, it's a huge pile of BS............


              It is in Toronto so it just an eastern thing. They don't know anything about the hardships of western farmers. Eastern farmers are so highly subsidized plus they do not have the CWB...



                Walk a mile in your brothers shoes.

                We spent some time in eastern Canada. C-Team. Bean and Corn growers are in same boat as we are most of the time.

                Lyle himself found the system far from walking on 'streets of gold'... as his family farm I understand had big financial problems.

                Your western brothers in SM5 are probably better off than many in the east.


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