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This years min degrading factors

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    This years min degrading factors

    I found some volunteer wheat that has gone to head. 1/3 of the heads were distroyed with smut. Frost is going to be a big concern with crops being much later. If it stays wet mildews and fungi will be a problem, Dockage could be higher due to not being able to spray many lower areas. Green second growth if the low areas come back after it dries up.

    What concerns are you guys seeing in your areas? Are we looking at a lower production and lower quality?

    It will be a field day of a year to screw us on grading,i
    hope nobody gets strangled.


      How so? I would think this would be the year where marketing skills and competition shows up to find and make deals between companies and facilities for blending for our buisiness. Quantity will be low and quality will have to be made up by, blending for grade improvement, to get our grain so they can improve there share.

      Ball will be in our court.


        The only challenge in our area so far will be bin space.


          Thats awsome but better buy hail insurance. wink wink


            Farming certainly is one of the very very few industries where almost all the risk is removed by creative handouts by our generous government.

            The flipside, no risk, minimal gain.


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