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Rain Makes Grain! BS Makes Fertilizer!

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    Rain Makes Grain! BS Makes Fertilizer!

    Well got this morning weather forecast and it looks as though we are going to get more rain for the first week of July. Yea I thought it was getting a little dry. Last week ended with a one inch late night rain Saturday. So that's well over 5 for the week. Now environment Canada was calling for hot sunny week up until 5 am this morning, now wet and rainy and even cooler come Thursday. Ah got to love the English Countryside we live in.
    Any way this rain makes grain idea is pure BS. The market reacted last week as if we got the crop almost all in. They think their is a bumper coming and the three people that have it thank you. You can help the ones of us that are loosing ground each rain event to fill contracts to the Yorkton crushing plants.
    Simply when the head of the crushing plant on its grand opening is talking about a huge crop potential and that most was seeded, plus stats Canada with their three month old report the speculators are believing that it has to be true.
    So I guess if you cant beat them (Big Base Ball bat to side of head) may as well join them.
    Yea its a huge crop my god its huge and getting larger with each rain event. Better go order about 6 pallets of bags to hold it all. (tongue in cheek)

    One good bit of news in the weather La Nina is back starting in August which will make it dryer in US and South America. Oh yea We usually freeze then. AW.


      Well SASK, you just gotta pick the right adage! The one I'm hearing around here is "A wet year never fills the bins" and I'll go with that one.

      "Rain makes grain" is only true on a dry year and this year is anything but.


        Received another 1.5 this weekend. Forecast for another 1 fri. Unable to spray cereals with fungicides except by air. Crops either drowned or turning yellow. Winter wheat is filling, should be interesting to see if it ever gets harvested.


          agstar, what's the odds for "tomb stone" in winter or spring cereals in fields that are sprayed, and fields that are not?


            Odds are 100% for both but sprayed will be 50 to 75% less.


              This is like the two suits talking at a downtown street intersection about the odds of something happening, when a guy on an ostrich rides by. What are the odds of that happening? 100%, now.

              This is a hurry up and wait question as found in the oil patch.


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