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The Rules if You Decide to Harvest Volunteer Round-up Ready Canola in 2010? - Trish Jordan, Monsanto

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    The Rules if You Decide to Harvest Volunteer Round-up Ready Canola in 2010? - Trish Jordan, Monsanto

    Canola School</a>.

    So, by demanding the TUA on a volunteer crop, Monsanto is declaring those seeds are their property. If you don't want it there and have no intention of harvesting, should Monsanto not be responsible for ridding their "weed" from your property? They seem to want it both ways. You take care of the mess 'cause it's yours but if you think you can salvage something for harvest you pay us because it's ours.


      What if you do not use their technology? I did not spray it with a glyohosate. So is it still theirs to demand a non existent TUA since the cost is associated with the seed and not the acres?


        I will probably not harvest my seeded acres of canola never mind my volunteer.


          Who cares about RR canola? After this year there won't be any grown in this area. It will be all Invigor, big difference in crop now from Invigor to RR.
          Could be millions of acres of volunteer Invigor, what are the rules to that? I will be spraying mine out but I tell ya some of them invigor fields sure look like they should be saved. Are there any Liberty police?


            Same here hopperbin our rr looks like complete crap compared to Invigor.

            I left some volunteer wheat in 99, went 15 at least there is something growing to suck up moisture.


              There will be a COST eh? That would be the day that I would pay Monsanto so that I could harvest a volunteer crop.

              Talk about control...Monsanto needs some limits placed on their powers. I will never buy their seeds or submit to onerous agreements as theirs require.

              Kick off your land and tell 'em to stay off if they want to inspect your fields. Who do they think they are anyway?


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