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    I was having lunch watching shaneys interview with
    mcmonsantobitch(new word i just invented,and
    patented,you cant use it unless you sign a tua),and
    i was thinking man are they lucky we are a bunch of
    sheep,and then i thought when this happens to the
    rest of the crops(which it will),will we still be sheep?
    ,and the answer is yes,probably,maybe not
    everybody,so ASSuming monsanto has read "the art
    of war",like i have,they must have plans to enforce
    this diabolical plan,and as i snickered thinking
    theres no way they could pull that off,spy plans,ha
    no way,satellites doubtful,field repts phhhh
    hahaha,the only way you could possibly do this is
    sample and seal every load and start cross
    reverencing crop insurance,agrisupporthandout,and
    any other statistacal bit of info back to the farmer.

    And then the lightbulb went off.-why does one of
    my local elevators sample and seal every frickin


    Can they test to see from what field and what year it was grown in?


      Can they test to see from what field and what year it was grown in?


        Look forward to selling your screenings to a feed mill; it tests positive GM content; you are fined.


          That's one theory, Parsley.

          Then there is the Triffid one. You can tell your agent that your flax is laced with it.

          I wish to sell it that way, says me.

          Not good enough. It has to be tested, says he.

          It, then, doesn't matter whether the test comes back saying it's tainted. humm!

          It's all about the $105.00 exchanging hands, I believe. Although, they would like us to believe it's being done to show the EU that we are working on the problem.

          I still don't know how triffid testing makes sense. We'll test the ship out of it, and then the yardstick will move.

          I'd say more, but it would only harm the industry.


            checking, Maybe the money is just the birdie part of the trick. "Look at the birdie". Everyone gawks.

            Meantime, the boys who have a GM flax going into the marketplace, the deal all tied up, don't want cross-contamination, so they need to identify the farmers who have contaminated flax. Demand the info and and sluff off the expense. Bahhhhh Bahhhh Bahhh

            2011 Novel Flax hitting the seed market will hit the fields, but only the fields identified as clean.

            I was told the testing gringos are sharing all the testing info with the grain corps and seed companies. Just a rumour, but from a reliable source.

            Nice for the new novel variety proprietors and their agents if they can bs their way through making farmers TEST'n'PAY.

            Hanging upside down by their heels for a day in the Agridome comes to mind. Pars

            PS 13 TRAPPED MOLES DEAD


              Speaking of moles: a family of moles live in a tunnel in the middle of Parley's garden. One morning, when the trap hasn't been set, mamma mole pops her head above ground, and takes a deep breathe.

              "I smell Parsley's carrot tops. Pappa mole come up here, and tell me what you smell", exclaims mamma mole.

              Up the tunnel comes pappa mole who pops his head up above ground by mamma mole. He takes a deep breathe, and exclaims, "I smell Parsley's potato tops. Baby mole, come up here and tell us what you smell."

              Up the tunnel comes baby mole who runs into the hind end of mamma and pappa mole which have blocked the tunnel to the surface. Baby mole pushes and pushes to get through, but to no avail. Finally, he gives up in disgust.

              Down the tunnel yells pappa mole, "well, what do you smell baby mole."

              The reply from below is "all I smell is mole hole."

              You have a good whatever is left of Canada day, Pars.

              Calgary, the Riders are going to kick Henry's hole!!!!


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