Running a business is just that - running a business to ensure it is profitable over the long term. I am profitable, I pay my taxes so I do my part in terms of supporting those who need government support to make ends meet. Oh, did I mention my partner works off farm, which aids in our success? We do what works for our business model so we can live the lives we want - where we have time to volunteer in our community, our school, and our college. Is it so horrible to be proud of who we are and to not join the misguided mission of ensuring EVERY single farmer is profitable in this country? Profitable is relative - people need to define what their individual goals are and strive towards them instead of doing things the exact same way over and over again and expecting a different result.
Being profitable on my own farm, which allows me to be part of my own community through time, donations, etc is very different than me volunteering to be less profitable to ensure that every other farmer makes the same. Communism never works with humans so define your benchmarks and figure out a way to get there.
Being profitable on my own farm, which allows me to be part of my own community through time, donations, etc is very different than me volunteering to be less profitable to ensure that every other farmer makes the same. Communism never works with humans so define your benchmarks and figure out a way to get there.