Parsley It's the government setting the price; because they are topping farm (or school boards budgets) up to what they decide you should get.
And parsley; with contaminated flax on all sides of every organic operation; and GM alfalfs sprouts ripe for positive test results and imminent GM wheat contamination coming to all our areas; just how are organic buyers reacting to the Canadian out of control situation. Don't forget that organic farmers inquire every year about my "contaminated" grains for planting their organic crops.
But don't take any of this seriously. Come on ... Really.
And parsley; with contaminated flax on all sides of every organic operation; and GM alfalfs sprouts ripe for positive test results and imminent GM wheat contamination coming to all our areas; just how are organic buyers reacting to the Canadian out of control situation. Don't forget that organic farmers inquire every year about my "contaminated" grains for planting their organic crops.
But don't take any of this seriously. Come on ... Really.